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The ride felt like it took hours but in reality it was only 20 minutes. I was terrified to say the least.

When we pulled up the boys walked with me to the desk but they had to stay out there until it started. I walked up to the lady behind the desk nervously. "Hi I'm Arielle Chadwick, I have an audition at 2:30" I tried not to sound nervous.

"Oh of course do you have the forms?" The girl I recognized as Rayla from her voice on the phone.

I reached in my bag and handed her the pile of papers I had filled out. She checked me in on the computer and then took me back to the warm up room. I started my music and stretched going through the dances until I was called to the stage.

I walked out to see three people that I guessed to be the judges sitting front and center. I looked to the left of them and saw the three boys that make my life what it is and make me smile everyday.

"Hello I'm Mrs. Ansley the director of the Academy" The older looking lady waved "And I assume you are Arielle Chadwick?"

"Yes Ma'am" I smiled

"Well Arielle My name is Braelynn and I'm one of the student leaders" The youngest one spoke up

"And I am the head instructor, You can call me Mrs. Oriana." A Middle aged woman spoke.

"Hi" I said back

"Okay so first we have your modern? To Amnesia by 5 Seconds of Summer?" Braelynn asked

"Yes ma'am"

"When your ready" Mrs. Oriana said

I took my place and the music started.

If you can't watch go to YouTube its under Chloe Lukasiak Solo || Audio Swap

(Not my video...)

The song ended and I knew I nailed that one. I was really proud of this particular routine.

The judges all wrote on their papers as I ran back stage to change my outfit and fix my hair for the next dance.

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