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Drew shut the door after Aubrey left and looked to me. "Hey guys can we have a minute?" He asked the boys

"Sure thing man we'll be outback if you need us." Keaton replied

The boys closed the back door and sat on the couch out there. Drew and I walked over and sat in the chairs in the living room. I didn't want to start the conversation and I think Drew caught on to that.

"What now?" He asked

"I don't know."

"Me neither..." he trailed off

"How about we wait."

"For what?"

"We give it time. Continue our lives for now and if it comes to a time when we feel it's right then we go from there...." I suggested

"Okay so we wait.....Thats it?"

"Unless you have anything better"


"Okay so we wait"

"CAN WE COME BACK" Keaton and Wesley yelled from the door

"It's been five minutes" I said as they closed the door coming inside.

"Yeah but it started raining" they laughed as they walked in dripping wet

"Oh god" I laughed

"Well I'm going to bed guys...night" Drew sighed getting up and going upstairs.

"What's up with him?" I asked

"Who knows" Wes snapped and went up to his room

That's another thing that's been going on lately...Drew has been really distant. He doesn't hang out with us anymore. He's always in his room. And when he is around, him and Wes always fight. It's actually really getting tense here and I don't know what's gonna happen.

"Arielle" Keaton called from the kitchen

"What's up?"

"You good? I said your name like 5 times"

"Yeah I was just thinking"

"Abooooooout??" He asked sitting down

"Wes and Drew"

"Yeah" Keaton said quietly. He knew something and he wasn't telling me I could tell

"What do you know that I don't?"

"They have a meeting with management tomorrow. I'm supposed to take you out cause it's your birthday to keep you distracted..."

"A meeting about?????"

"I can't say" he whispered

"You better find a way to say or I'm going to scream extremely loud until you do..."

"You wouldn't"

"Oh but I would so start talking"

"I can-"

"AHHHHHHHHHH" I started screaming

"Okay just stop" Keaton covered my mouth

"I stop when you talk" I got ready to scream again

"Drew's leaving the band" he blurted


"He's leaving that's what the meeting and the fighting a about." He whispered "but you can't tell them I told you. We were supposed to leave you out of it"


"That's a story for another time...let's head to bed we have a busy day tomorrow"

"Okay...Hey where are we going" I asked turning on the stairs

"That's a surprise. Your clothes will be outside your bathroom in the morning" he said before going into his room.

"Who picked my clothes?"

"Your boyfriend" he shrugged and went inside his door

Well this should be interesting....

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