I Want To Help

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Wes's POV

"Her sister"

I jumped up quickly and went to change my clothes. "Going to find her" Keaton asked

"Yeah" I brushed him off

"How about a shower first?"

"No time" I yelled grabbing the keys on my way out.

I drove to the studio thinking about what I would do. Nothing. I had no plan I'm just gonna wing it. I killed the ignition as I jumped out of the car and sprinted inside.

I ran to the front desk "Aubrey Chadwick?"

"She's teaching a 3-5 group now. Her class ends in an hour can I take a message?"

"No I'll just wait thank you" I waved as I took a seat in one of the plastic chairs lining the windows.

They say a watched pot never boils. Well now I understand it as I sit here watching the seconds tick by. Finally after what felt like 4 hours Aubrey walked out. "Aubrey!" I yelled

"Can I help you?"

"Hi my name is Wes--" I felt a sting "did you just slap me?"

"That was for Arielle" she smiled "now what's up?"

"So she is with you?"

"Yeah she's been on my couch for a while" "I'm not supposed to tell you but I think it's time.

"Look I know I fucked up big time and there is no excuse for what I did but I'm really sorry." "These past 3 weeks have been total hell for me. I haven't left my room or talked to anyone. My brother brings me food but that's it. I can't be anywhere in the house without thinking of her and it's killing me. I need her. I messed up and now I need to fix it." I sighed

"I want to help you." She finally spoke


"Yeah I can't stand seeing her like this. She sits on the couch and stares at a wall. The only time she gets up is to take a shower and when she's in the shower I can hear her crying. It sucks seeing her like that but she's to stubborn to do anything about it. So I will" Aubrey told me. It killed me hearing about her like this and even more knowing that I did this to her.

"I have an idea but I need your help."

"With what?"

"When's recital?" I asked

"In a week"

"Perfect" I said getting up to go start planning this.

Aubrey yelled after me "might wanna think about a shower first"

"I'll keep that in mind"'I laughed before leaving the building and starting the drive home.

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