Chapter 22

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Arielle's POV

(Day Before Auditions)

It was the day before auditions and I had been non stop practicing. I got up went on a run came home worked on the dance and that was it.

With me working on the dances so much, I haven't had free time. So therefore, Wesley and I's relationship hasn't changed. After we went shopping, the only time we spent together was when we worked on the dance. I feel like I haven't even seen anyone all week, which is true. I've been in front of the mirrors working on my dances. I hope that will change after today.

Up until this point, I thought the routines were great. Now I'm doubting myself. I just hope I'm good enough, if I don't get in, I don't know what I will do.

"Practice Makes Perfect" I whispered to myself.

I got out of bed and went to the basement. I spent all morning there alone until someone knocked on the door. I walked over and opened it.


"Hey be ready tonight at 6 we are going out" He smiled

I want to but I can't right now with everything. "Wes I would love to but you know I can't stop practicing"

"No Ari you need a break. You've been stressing and the audition is tomorrow morning."

"Yeah I know that's why I have to practice"

"Come on we can go out tonight at 6 and we'll be home by 8:30 so you can get a good rest before tomorrow"

"I don't know.."

"Pleaseeeeee Ari?"

"Okay fine what do I wear?"


"Perfect see you tonight" I shut the door after kissing his cheek and went back to dancing.


It was now 4 in the afternoon and I had been dancing all afternoon takin breaks here and there to stretch out or breathe.

I walked upstairs to find all the boys and their friends over. Great, every time these people are over I'm either in my pajamas or all gross and sweaty.

"She's alive!!!" Drew yelled as I walked in.

"Yeah Yeah I've been a little busy lately" I waved him off looking for a place to sit. Wesley grabbed my waist and pulled me on to his lap.

"Ekkk" I shrieked really loud. He just laughed at me. "You do realize I'm all sweaty right?" I laughed now that he was holding me.

"Do I look like I care?" He asked in a duh tone. "I finally got my girl with me" Everyone awwwww'd

"Yeah but your girl needs to go get ready if we're going to go out tonight" I smirked as he let me up.

"Where you going" Drew asked

"Man I can't say while she's here it's a surprise" He poked my side

I turned around to face the girls, "Wanna help me pick out what to wear?"

"Of course" The Yelled standing up.

We got to my room and all four of them literally ran into my closet pulling everything out looking at it.

"This?" Taylor asked holding up a neon green anchor tank top.

"Nah to lazy looking"

"How about this?" Bella held out a fitted flower long sleeve shirt.

"I like it but I'm thinking more of a tank top"

"Hmmm okay this?" The other Taylor held up a white lace crop top.

"Maybe. It's cute and a tank"

"OOO OOO OOO this!" Carly shouted. She held up a multicolored floral crop top.

"That" I yelled going to my drawers and getting my high waisted jeans "With these," I grabbed my brown boots "and these" I smiled.

"Yes!" They all shouted.

"Alright now I need to shower so I'll see you guys soon." They all went back down stairs and I got into the shower.


I got out of the shower and let my hair dry naturally. While I put on my makeup. I went natural so it barely looked like I had any. I put on my clothes and walked downstairs.

This could be the best night of my life. I wonder what he had planed...

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