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The Movies drug on and on until eventually I fell asleep in the chair.

I woke up to the sun shining through the window in my room. Wait my room? How'd I get here? I fell asleep during the movie. Hmmmm. I got up and looked in the mirror. Still in my dance shorts and tank top. My hair though...that's another story. It was a hot mess, All knotted up in my bun. If you can even call it that. Whatever it was, was hanging from the back of my head. Guess this is what a full day of movies, junk food and laziness will do to a girl.

Ugh speaking of junk food I think I ate to much of it. I walked over to my bathroom and threw up in the toilet. I just sat on the floor for a minute to make sure I was good. I don't know why, but if I eat a lot of sugar or junk food I get sick. I just have a low tolerance for that kinda stuff. Having a low tolerance for junk food means I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, which makes me wonder where my curves came from. But there are just some questions that will never be answered.

I stood up and brushed my teeth and hair, pulling it back into a high ponytail with waves for to my natural hair. I walked to my closet and found what I was looking for. I put on a new pair of my dance shorts under my blue running shorts. I grabbed an old tee shirt from my school and slipped that over my sports bra and tank top. I grabbed my head phones and plugged them into my phone. When I walked into the kitchen I found Wesley and Drew sitting at the counter. I grabbed an apple and joined them.

"Whatcha listenin' to?" Wes grabbed my other head phone.

"Little bit of everything"

"That's the way to do it" he dropped the ear bud and Drew spoke up. "Why we Lookin and sporty?"

"I was gonna go run."

"Aye can we come?" Wesley asked.

"If you think you can keep up"

"Okay little miss trash talk I have another question" Drew said

"Annnd Vhat Vould that be" I used a random accent

"What was the sound from your bathroom this morning?" He looked all serious

"Dude did you get--"Wes asked being himself.

"No! No! No! I did not. I got sick"

"You okay?" Drew asked concerned

"Yeah I'm good I just ate to much junk food last night and my stomach didn't like that" I said as we walked out the door "Hey guys what is the dress code for Tyler's party?"

"Well it's pretty dressy. A lot of the girls will be wearing heels and stuff" Wes answered and Drew nodded "We can go get something today if you need to" he offered

"Nope I have an outfit in mind" With that I took off running, them behind me.

I ran for a good mile and a half before slowing down and letting them catch up. Yes I was in front of them the whole time but hey I loved to run.

"Ari, how are you so fast" Drew asked out of breath.

"There's a lot you don't know about me" I flipped my hair dramatically.

"Ari seriously" Wow he's legit about this

"Okay well" I thought about how to say it before giving in and letting the words spill out. "After you left and I stopped dancing, my escape became running. I would sneak out my window every night and run to the school and back. To keep my mind focused I started timing and each night I would try to beat my last time. After a month I could do 2 miles in 12 minutes. I just kept going from there."

"Oh" was all he said. I could tell he felt guilty for leaving me.

We ran back to the house. We all ran at the same pace this time. When we got to the door I looked at Drew and he looked at me. We took off at the door and ran through at the same time. He fell and I landed on top of him and Wes walked in behind us. Keaton was sitting on a bat stool eating cereal and looked up at us.

"Oh hey Keats" I waved from on top of Drew.

"Aye" he went back to his cereal.

This was going to be fun.

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