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Avias POV
I woke up to the annoying sound to my alarm clock. Again. I got out of bed and tugged to the bathroom. I saw Gavin brushing his teeth.
"hey." I said. He nodded. He continued to brush. I took out my tooth brush and toothpaste and brushed. I looked in the mirror. What happened to my hair? I scratched my head. I took out my hairbrush and brushed it for like 5 minutes. I walked to my room shut the door and got dressed. Today I'm wearing a superman sweatshirt and black leggings and my black converse. I put my hair is a fishtail braid. I walked out of my room. I walked up the stairs and into the kitchen. I don't want breakfast. I thought.
"BYE DAD!" I yelled. I grabbed my stuff and left.
*2 hours later*
"OH MY GOSH MARINDA SINGS!" I yelled. I ran up to her and immediately took a selfie and hugged her.
"How you doing Feltica?" She asked. I giggled.
"Just fine!" I said in her voice.
I heard a noise in my ear. I jumped up.
"Actually you mean parent. I don't have a mother. I have a b*tch that lives with me!" I talked back. She looked at me sternly.
"Go.to.the.dean.NOW!" She yelled. I took my stuff and left. I walked down to room 219. I knocked on the door. The dean opened the door.
"Avia. What happened?" Mrs.Knox asked. I dropped and sat down the chair.
"Well I was paying attention as usual in math, and mrs.naccartato thought I wasn't so I got a lecture and I kinda talked back to her and yea." I said. I felt my face get red.
"Really. So if you really were paying attention what were you learning?" She asked.
"Math." I talked back.
"I'm calling your parents." She said. I shrugged.
"What else is new?" I said. She glanced as me while punching the numbers in the phone.
*20 minutes later*
Dad and Jennifer walked in the room. Jennifer sighed and dad glanced at me like Mrs.Knox did. I waved. They didn't wave back.
"Mr and Mrs.Butler. Welcome. Miss.Avia here did something wrong that she DOSENT want to admit." Mrs.Knox said. I bit my lip to hold back the tears. Mrs.Butler. Mom. Dad looked at me.
"Avia what's wrong?" He asked. I let the tears out.
"MOMMY! I MISS YOU! JENNIFER YOUR NOT THE REAL MRS.BUTLER ONLY MY MOM AND GRANDMA IS! I WISH YOU NEVER CAME IN THIS FAMILY!" I yelled. I took my stuff and left the room. I stomped away. I slammed the door. I sighed. I went up to English.
"Why are you late? And where's your late pass?" The substitute teacher asked. I shrugged my shoulders.
"Hey! Answer me!" He said.
"I'm late because I am. And I came from the dean." I replied. I walked to my desk and sat down. I put my head in between my arms.
Jennifer's POV
"Yeah she gets angry for no reason sometimes." I said. That was a lie. I make her angry and sad.
"Well can I have to go upstairs to go get Avia to bring her to the consular and talk a it she feelings. Then tell her the punishment." Mrs.Knox said. No! I have to embarrass her!
"No.no.no. I can go get her! You two stay down here and I will go and get her." I said. The dean nodded.
"313." She said. I guess that was the room. I walked up to 313.
Avias POV
I kept my head in between my arms. I heard a knock on the door. I picked up my head. The sub opened up the door. No! NO! NO! It's not Jennifer! Why Jennifer! Ugh!
"Hi I'm Avias mom and I wanted to tell her that we have to home. So come on baby girl." Jennifer said. Everybody started at me. Then everybody bursted into laughter.
"Excuse me can you tell your class not to bother my baby girl!" Jennifer said sarcastically. The teacher stared at me.
"Avia come on daddy is waiting for you!" Jennifer yelled. She came over to me and grabbed me by my arm and dragged me downstairs.
"Stop!" I demanded. She tried tugging me.
"Excuse me stop trying to pull your daughters arm she's going to get hurt!" The teacher demanded. Jennifer kept pulling. I bursted put into tears. I heard something crack. Jennifer stopped pulling. Wet tears ran down my face.
"W-why w-w-ould y-ou d-d--o that?" I asked. Jennifer was in shock. Jennifer ran out of the room. The sub picked up the phone. Immediately the nurse came rushing in the room followed by dad and Jennifer. Dad looked nervous and Jennifer looked care free.
"Where does it hurt sweetie?" The nurse asked.
"My F*cking arm RETART bring me to the hospital I heard a Danm snap!" I blurted. Dads eyes widened. The nurse nodded and pulled out her cell phone.
"Hi! I have a girl right here I'm pretty sure her arm is broken." The nurse said. I pulled the nurse put of her hands.
"MY ARM IS BROKEN COME QUICKLY!" I yelled into the crappy phone. I gave he nurse back the phone and tried to stand up. Dad saw I couldn't pick myself up so her scooped me up.
*21 minutes later*
The ambulance arrived. They brought me to the hospital and I get checked in
*20 minutes later*
"Hi Avia. So tell me where it hurts and I will check if you need a cast." The doctor said. I nodded. I pointed to my elbow. It hurts a freaking lot! He nodded. He explained to me that I needed a cast.
"So what color cast do you want?" He asked.
"Pink cast!" I said. He nodded.
*5 minutes later*
Well I guess I finally have a cast on.
Picture of cast on top.
We got home. All the attention was on me.
"Does it hurt Avia?" Daxton asked. I nodded. I ruffled his blonde hair. I ran downstairs to my room. I opened up this book I have when ever I want to write to mom. I started to write.
Dear mom,
Evil Jennifer broke my elbow today. I got this bright neon pink cast. It hurts a lot. I guess tonight it's going to be a challenge sleeping. Mommy I wish you can live again and Jennifer can be out of our lives. I wish dad never met her. She's such a.. Well I can't say that word..... I also went to the dean again. I was daydreaming about meeting MARINDA sings. Well that's basically how my day went.
Hey guys that's it for now! Byeee~Kiki👽

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