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*start song*
The moment that we were pulled into the town hall building I whirled on Ace. "What did you just do?"

He did not back down from my raised voice. "Did you really think that I was going to let you go in there alone?"

My entire body trembled with barely restrained sobs. "You have two sisters out there who rely on you Ace! Contrary to popular belief, these aren't just games. At least one of us is going to die in these games!" The sound of my yelling voice echoed in the large room, but I couldn't be bothered to care.

"When I'm gone they will get compensated double of what I could give them with me here!" He screamed right back, "They will be given food and shelter while I'll be with you. And they'll have you to depend on once you get back home. They count on you just as much as they count on me"

The weight of his words slammed into me at once.

I stood there staring at Ace in shock. "You've thought this through too thoroughly to be coincidence."

"What do you-"

"You were going to volunteer today anyways weren't you?" I now whispered, "You were going to leave them without saying a goodbye. You were going to leave me!"

Ace wouldn't meet my eyes any longer. "You heard Terrence today. They are starving already with the little food I'm able to give them! Entering this means that I'm giving them a better chance. And when you make it out-"

"Stop saying that!" I interrupted again, "The chances of either of us making it out are little to none! There are people that train for these things Ace! What happens when neither of us come home?"

Because it was true. I was young and unexperienced. The people that would be entering that arena with me would be trained murderers.

The mere thought of everything happening right now being reality made me dizzy.

"Don't say that" He finally muttered, "Don't do this Rowen. We'll figure something out"

I opened my mouth to argue further, but just as I did the doors flew open revealing my mother and Ace's family. I expected to see Lou trembling at what was happening. Expected to see that little girl that I had known my whole life looking back at me, but what I saw was an entirely different person.

Her face was set in a determined expression as she walked towards me first, not Ace. "Listen to me." She muttered, pulling me to the side before my mom could get to me. "Don't worry about us while you're gone okay? We'll be fine. Your mom has already offered us a place at her house. It will be a squeeze but we will make it work."

"Lou, if Ace and I are both going in-"

"I don't know what his motivation is for going in there, but he made a choice and I highly doubt he plans on killing you to get back to us. Do whatever you have to do in there to get out Rowen. You need to come back"

Legacy Dawning  // Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now