𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑙 𝐿𝑜𝑠𝑡

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(Pilot Part Two)

Cassie was still clinging to Odessa's hand, a faraway look in her eyes

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Cassie was still clinging to Odessa's hand, a faraway look in her eyes.

"I just don't understand what happened." Cassie told Adam, Morgan and Odessa.

Morgan had joined them after the whole car fire thing. She stood beside the cousins, worried look on her face.

"Your car caught on fire." Adam stated the obvious, sharing a look with Morgan and Odessa.

"Thanks for saving me." Cassie smiled at her cousin and Adam.

Odessa frowned. She tried but Adam was the one to do the saving. Her stupid magic lost control.

Diana ran up to them. "Hey, are you okay? What happened?"

Adam stood. "Hey. I think her engine blew."

"No way. That was something else. You saw it. I'm gonna call my grandmother." Cassie went to grab her phone.

Odessa quickly pulled the phone out of Cassie's hand. Cassie gasped at the fast movement.

Diana stopped her. "No, no. You shouldn't do that. Adam, why don't you take Cassie home?"

"No." Cassie shook her head.

"Oh no. It's okay. This is my boyfriend, by the way. He's cool." Diana said, smiling at Adam.

"It's really not a problem. I'll take you." Adam agreed.

"I'll call you later." Diana told Adam, kissing the boy.

"I'll be home later, okay?" Odessa smiled at her cousin.

Cassie frowned, not wanting to be alone with Adam. But she nodded, following the boy to his Jeep.

"Cassie definitely has a thing for Adam." Morgan smirked.

Odessa nodded. "And he might have a thing for her."

The two girls giggled.


The next day, Morgan and Odessa met up at the abandoned house. The house that the witches met up at sometimes, it was their little hang out spot.

The others beside Diana were also there. Nick sat beside Odessa, speaking quietly to her. To everyone else the two might look like they were dating, but they actually were more like siblings. They grew closer after Jake abandoned them both.

Melissa closely watched them, jealous at how Nick was so soft around Odessa. Morgan was going through the spell book with Faye, while Adam paced.

Diana soon entered with a guest following close behind. Odessa frowned at seeing her cousin.

Faye stood with a smirk. "Finally."

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