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(Pilot Part One)

Odessa didn't like people

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Odessa didn't like people.

That's just who Odessa Blake was, a closed off and selfish orphan girl. It's not like she meant to be that way. She just grew to be that way.

Odessa lost her parents when she was just a toddler. So she was raised by her grandmother Jane. That's one reason why she's the way she is.

The other reason is because of Jake Armstrong, her first love. He left her without even saying goodbye.

She became so mad at the world that she dyed her hair blonde so she could be the new and improved Odessa.

With her blonde hair she looked so much like her mother Julie Blake and not like her ass of a father Caine.

That's another reason why she kept the blonde hair. She didn't want to look like the man who basically hated her since birth.

"Essie." Morgan Chamberlain cut into Odessa's thoughts. "Are you listening to me?"

Odessa pulled her eyes away from the mirror as she continued to brush her fake blonde hair. "Sorry."

Morgan rolled her brown eyes. "When is your cousin coming here?"

Odessa lips pulled into a frown. "Tomorrow."

Odessa's aunt Amelia, her mothers sister died in a house fire a month ago. Odessa couldn't believe it. She spent many summers with Amelia and Cassie. Odessa's cousin Cassie was moving in with Odessa and their grandmother Jane.

"I like Cassie. She's a nice girl." Morgan fell back on Odessa's bed. "I'm really sorry to hear about Amelia."

Odessa blinked back tears. Amelia was like a mother to her. And now she was gone.

"I'm gonna miss her. But she's probably having the time of her life with my mom." Odessa said.

She placed her brush back on her vanity, plopping down on her bed beside Morgan.

Morgan has been Odessa's best friend since birth. They were like sisters. Morgan was the complete opposite of Odessa.

Morgan Chamberlain was selfless and she was kind and loveable.

Odessa envied the brunette for being so perfect.

Morgan continued to rant about this boy she likes. But Odessa didn't hear a word as her mind went to a dark place.

A place in her mind where she stored her memories of Jake Armstrong. She hates she still thought about him after two years of him being gone.

She hasn't dated anyone since him. Sure, she hooked up with people but nothing like what she had with Jake.

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