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(Heather Part Two)

The four girls were in Cassie's room

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The four girls were in Cassie's room. Morgan sat beside her sister looking through the Blake journal with Faye.

"Okay. That's enough for today." Cassie stopped pacing trying to yank the book out of Faye's hands.

"Oh. Calm down. Or I can take it home with me and be out of your hair." Faye said.

Cassie sighed; annoyed.

Morgan nudged her sister, then looked at Cassie. "Just a few more minutes and I'll drag Faye away."

Faye pouted at her older sister. Cassie gave her a thankful smile.

There was a knock on the front door.

Odessa climbed to her feet. "I'll get it. Be back in a minute."

"Will you bring me back snacks?" Faye called after her. "No carbs."

The fake blonde started walking downstairs, freezing on the stairs at the sight of the open front door.

She finished walking down, curiously staring out of the door. She closed the door, making sure to lock it.

Odessa began to look around, feeling like something was about to happen. She gasped as Heather stepped in front of her.

Heather was actually moving around.

"Where is Amelia and Julie?" Heather asked.

Cassie had walked downstairs, seeing what was taking Odessa so long. She gasped at who she saw.

Odessa gave her a shocked glance.


"Can you help me find Amelia and Julie?" Heather wanted to know.

"She's not here." Cassie answered. "How did you...?"

Cassie trailed off as Heather furiously scratched her arm.

"Are you okay?" Odessa asked worried.

"I need to see them." Heather said.

"Amelia passed away." Cassie broke the news to her.

"And Julie died in the fire, remember?" Odessa told her.

Heather frowned. "Julie didn't die in the fire." Then she began to cry as Odessa's eyes widened at the woman's words. "No."

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