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(Slither Part One)

(Slither Part One)

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Odessa woke up to her alarm going off

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Odessa woke up to her alarm going off. She groaned, turning to Morgan. "Time to get up, Morgan. We have breakfast with Nicky."

Odessa shook her a few times until Morgan moved a little.

Morgan winced sitting up. "I have such a bad headache."

She slammed her head on the pillow again.

Odessa nudged her. "I'll get you some medicine. Let's go, Morg."

"I don't care about breakfast with Nick." Morgan hissed.

Odessa frowned, hurt taking over her face.

Morgan sighed. "I'm sorry. I just... don't feel well."

"Yeah. Okay." Odessa nodded. "I'll tell Nick you couldn't come."

She threw Nick's jacket on, not caring that she still wore pajamas. She just wanted to get away from Morgan. The Chamberlain girl never acted like that even when she's sick. Morgan is always kind.

It scared Odessa to see her best friend act like that.

Odessa hurried out of her room. Morgan face planted her head in the pillow.

She smiled at her grandmother and Cassie who were talking in the kitchen. "Good morning."

"Family dinner tonight, Odessa." Jane turned to the granddaughter she raised. Her eyes widened at the bruise on her face and cracked lip. "What the hell happened to you?"

Odessa faltered. "I'm... I tripped and hit my head really hard. It's fine, grams. Promise. Now I have to meet Nick for breakfast. Morgan is staying here, she's not feeling very well."

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