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(Bound Part Two)

Odessa and Morgan danced together

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Odessa and Morgan danced together. The fake blonde threw her head back with a laugh. Faye was off somewhere dancing really close to Nick while Melissa watched with jealousy.

Nick grinned when Faye rejected him.

Odessa whirled around into Nick's arm.

He smirked. "Hey there."

"Hey Nicky." She chuckled.

"Can I steal her?" Nick asked Morgan.

Morgan nodded. "Yeah, but I'll be back." She winked at them. She went to stand by her sister and Melissa.

Nick grasped her hips, moving to the music. Odessa moved with him, basically grinding against him.

They danced like that for a few minutes.

Nick lowered his lips to her ear. "Have I told you that you look really beautiful tonight?"

Odessa's smile fell from her lips.

"Have I told you that you look really beautiful tonight?" Jake asked the girl he loved.

"A million times, Jake." A smile grew on the brunette's face. She nudged him. "But thank you. You look very handsome, like always."

Odessa stopped moving making Nick look at her worriedly.

"Are you okay?" He asked. "I'm sorry if that was weird. I meant in a best friend way."

"I know." Her voice cracked. "I'm just not feeling well."

She hated how Jake still controlled her life. She wished she could forget him.

Odessa whirled around when she heard a scream. She gasped seeing Sally get thrown off the deck. Faye stood there in shock with Cassie standing beside her.

Everyone rushed over to see what happened to Sally. Cassie rushed down there to check on her.

"She's not breathing." Cassie yelled in a panic.

Odessa covered her mouth in shock.


"Somebody call an ambulance." Faye's mom, Dawn yelled as she ran up.

"I called already." Diana told her. "They're on their way."

Dawn rushed down there and fell beside Cassie. Sally laid unmoving.

Nick pulled Odessa closer to him as they watched. Morgan was with her sister comforting her.

"Step back." Dawn ordered Cassie.

"Okay, okay." Cassie hurried back.

Dawn leaned over Sally, like she was listening to see if she was breathing. They couldn't see what exactly she was doing.

Sally gasped, her eyes flashing open. It was a miracle. Everyone sighed in relief.

Cassie went back to Sally, trying to calm her down.


The ambulance took Sally away. The circle were in the boathouse.

"The paramedics said she's going to be fine." Diana told Faye.

Odessa leaned against Nick, her face blank. Nick looked at her worried.

The Chamberlain girl sighed in relief. "I didn't mean for anyone to get hurt. I really didn't." She turned to Cassie. "With you here, we can do more. I just have to will things, and they happen."

"We can't let our feelings control us like this." Diana said.

"But I like..." Faye paused. Morgan gently took her hand, squeezing it. "I don't want this to fo away."

"We don't have a choice. It's too dangerous. If we can't control what we feel or what we think, we're just going to keep hurting people. I don't want to be connected to you anymore than you want to be to me. But no one else can get hurt. It's wrong. Diana's right. We have to bind the circle." Cassie explained.

"We'll meet at the beach at midnight." Diana nodded.

Odessa agreed, her hand shaking a little. She knew it must be done. She wasn't very good at control and she wouldn't live with herself if she hurt someone.


Odessa caught a ride with Morgan and Faye. Adam had picked Cassie up.

Morgan and Odessa grasped hands as they stood around the huge fire.

"Fire, earth, metal, air, water and blood. By these elements, we bind the circle and follow in the footsteps of our ancestors who pledged themselves to fight against the forces of darkness. When evil assails us, when fear weakens us, when dissent threatens us, in the circle we will find our power. We come to this place alone, but leave bound as one. With this oath, our journey begins together. Do you accept the circle?" Diana asked.

"I accept." They all said.

The fire exploded bigger.

Now they were one.


Yay! Another update for you all.

I'm very excited for the next few episodes to write but it will be heartbreaking for Odessa.

Jake and Odessa's ship name will be Jadessa.

Thanks for reading.


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