HC: Chubby Android Crankgameplays

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. The idea that one day androids could coexist alongside the human race helping them do the simpler boring chores to save time seemed like a futuristic utopia idea.
. But to Ethan Nestor that far future is ever more closer, the EN2496D or commonly known as Ethan Nestor was built by the military to be a combat android.
. But due to some unforseen miscalculations meaning how clumsy and empathic Ethan was during his quite the small time in the military, they forced to let Ethan Nestor out free into the world to let him experience human life.
. His first steps in the bustling lively LA filled with wonder and awe as he mindlessly wondered the streets observing huge crowds of people walking tightly down the street with coffee in their hands and talking on the phone.
. First two weeks of entering the expansive world Ethan just walked fascinated in watching the daily lives of humans, curiously watching them play in the sand at thr beach to shopping in the mall.
. Thanks to his hidden build in solar panels and long battery life Ethan didn't need to worry about losing power as long as he didn't become too active at night.
. After those first two weeks Ethan begun to experience a sense of loneliness and lost having no one in his life to help guide him, his short time observing humanity Ethan knew he had to blend in and act like a human being.
. First thing Ethan needed was money which was quite easy for the android as he walked upto a nearby atm hacking the cameras nearby and managed to grab a solid amount of money, Ethan did this a few times just enough to rent an apartment.
. Feeling bad for stealing the money Ethan wanted to get a job not wanting to feel guilty about stealing but to do that he needed to create his identity, couple of hours of hacking making sure to cover his tracks Ethan had created his identity officially now being human.
. Few weeks following this Ethan spend trying to get a job which time after time being let down a sense of disappointment and a failure weighing on his shoulders, thankfully Ethan didn't need to eat so the little money he had mostly went to paying the rent.
. In between looking for a job Ethan fell in love with video games managing to buy himself a Nintendo switch along with a game second handed spending countless hours at night time clicking and not even realising he'd spend the whole night away playing video games.
. Eventually Ethan managed to land himself a nice chaotic customer demanding job working in a restaurant.
. Ethan wasn't perfect at his job occasionally he would bump into customers or accidentally get the order wrong but his boss was kind enough.
. Many of his coworkers hated their jobs spreading rumours about each other along with always trying to get one another fired.
. Ethan found the job to be a thrill a nice chance to observe and improve his social skills to help him blend.
. Ethan was a ray of sunshine in the workplace always smiling and people couldn't help but smile back.
. Years went by Ethan working hard his social skills improving alot that many days he himself thought he was human and not made of metal and synthetic gel.
. At home in his spare time Ethan brought himself a computer and begun to record himself playing video games, the android never expected anything to come through recording himself but along the way he'd managed to make some funny wonderful friends.
. Two of which he would meet up frequently at one of their houses, record some videos joke around maybe even pull some pranks on each other.
. Tyler and Mark were the first friends he'd ever made in his life and he never admit this to them but he does look upto the two older humans.
. Ethan never told either man about him being an android afraid they would be afraid or leave him alone so he'd kept it a secret from them.
. Both Tyler and Mark are very suspicious of of their younger friend knowing something was up with him but never out right corner him and question him.
. From the time Mark tried to scare Ethan from behind but ending up being flipped over Ethan's body and slammed onto the ground heavily, Mark's brown eyes looking up in shock at Ethan who apologised and talked a mile a minute looking like a kick puppy.
. Maybe the time Ethan surprisingly slim body managed to effortlessly pick Tyler up in the air like the burly giant weigh nothing and tossed him into the backyard pool.
. Both men knew Ethan was hiding something especially when he would change topic about his past while stuttering, they never pushed him to answer respecting his privacy and silently through action told him they always here for him.
. On one day Ethan was forced to spill his secret all due to Mark's stupid idea to play card against humanity while adding a twist, the losers would be shocked.
. Ethan didn't think too much about it thinking the low energy shock rate wouldn't mess with his internal systems but today it wasn't the android's day to win
. Every turn that was played Ethan seemingly lost playfully groaning and smacking his head against the table lightly feeling the electrical current going through his body.
. Tyler and Mark had a blast teasing their friend calling him a baby everytime he jumped in his seat or let out a groan of defeat.
. After losing for the tenth time Ethan braced for the short electrical zap, the shock came quick but also came a soft clicking sound inside of him and Ethan eyes widened knowing something went wrong.
. Letting out a lond painful groan Ethan stood up from the chair drawing the attention of his friends who for once during the game looked genuinely worried about their friend.
"Hey Eef! Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Mark asked worry in his voice ready to spring into action to help his friend in need. Opening his mouth to shake off their worry Ethan embarrassing let out a loud belch his pale cheeks coating red before his toned slim stomach started to swell outwards with fat pushing against his light pink shirt creating a obvious bump.
. Tyler and Mark looked down noticing their friends midsection growing randomly their eyes locked wide becoming semi-speechless.
. "B.. Buddy? Your.. Stomach is.. Growing! Are you hiding a balloon under your shirt?" Tyler asked out in disbelief watching the man's stoamch growing past a small pudgy pot ball to a more rounded rotund tubby beerbelly the shirt slowly begun to ride up revealing his pale plump belly.
. Beginning to panic Ethan frantically waved his arms in the air stuttering and trying to distract both of his friends hoping to pass this off to them as gas, small handful of pudgy love handles formed spilling over the increasingly tightening waistband of his jeans, his small butt inflating behind him widening inside of his tight jeans causing them to roll down slightly showing his butt crack off even his face puffed up giving the android two chubby red cheeks.
. Just as quick as the android's body started to change it swiftly ended leaving the three men quiet nobody daring to say anything.
"What the fuck..?!" Tyler and Mark said simultaneously not understanding what just happened in front of them apparently watching their friend magically gaining weight.
. His cover being blown Ethan reluctantly told his friends his life short back story describing them in great detail about him being a malfunctioned combat Android the military made and ending with afraid they would abandon him.
. After snapping out of their gaping mouth staring blankly at Ethan both Tyler and Mark were quick to reassure their friend that it doesn't matter if he was an android or a human he's still their friend through thick and thin.
. Mark maybe a little too excited about his friend being an android spending the entire rest of the week testing Ethan's strength, his knowledge and his night vision of all things.
. Ethan is grateful to have such caring wonderful friends in his life but the frequent teasing about his new weight always makes him blush, the little soft slaps to his belly making it bounce or pinching his chubby cheek doesn't help Ethan to fight off the blush.
. Android Ethan understand many things in his life but one thing he always found confusing is memes.. To him they made zero sense and yet he'd absolutely loved them and would spam memes to his friends all the time.

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