Chubby Henrik x Reader

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Brighton one of many cities all over the world full of energy and noise that never sleeps not during the night. Everyday hordes of people crammed on the small pavement's elbows digging into passer-by, mischievous white and grey pigeons circling around near tops of towering towers sending down gloopy raindrops of poop mostly landing on passing cars but the rare occasion ruining someone's day by hitting them on the head or in their opened cup of coffee. Henrik loves living in the city everyday waking up to the constant sound of roadworks drilling and cars noisily screeching down the road reminding him of the crazy never dull moment of his workplace a hospital but today Henrik couldn't admire a single second of the city as the doctor got a task to do which was overdue a long-time ago.

The sun could be barely seen over the monstrous skyscrapers spilling out in between buildings and bouncing off of windows making anyone remotely looking up blinding them. Henrik tiredly shuffled along with the flow of the crowd keeping his head low his grey hair flopping down covering his forehead while brushing against his eyebrows, his ocean blue eyes staring down at the small phone in his hand reading the message for the fiftyish time checking the time realising the snail moving pace in the cramped crowd was going to make him late. Mentally groaning resigning to his fate Henrik reluctantly pocketed his phone in his jeans pocket keeping his head forward he'd stared around trying to find a gap in the crowd to push himself forward a harsh elbow gap in his stomach caused him to yelp loudly and immediately look down trying to act normal knowing a few heads turned in his direction, a blood red colour coated the tips of his ears spotting his boulder size doughy gut protruding outwards blocking the view of his feet as his black and white stripe sweater snugly clung proudly showing off his plump love handles that spill over his pants and an outline of his deep belly button could be seen through the material.

'Look at you Henrik the tables have truly been turned! Karma comes for everyone sooner or later.. I wasn't a good person in the past but all I want is to apologise to (Y/n) for the actions of an angry teenager' Henrik internally winced remembering how much of a prideful jerk he was in high school and only recently in his spare time went out of his way to find the one person he emotionally and mentally hurt working up his courage and message them. The endless sea of people momentarily stopped forcing the ego to stop in his tracks near the shop window where the corner of his eyes saw his reflection turning his head facing the window he got an excellent view at how comically ill-fitting his clothes he was wearing, just from the short walk alone his sweater had managed to ride up a few inches revealing his pale pudgy midsection that proudly bulged outwards in between his open grey coat that refused to zip up nowhere coming close to closing.

"Stupid Jackie.. Brainless glitch bitch finally putting aside their differences in order of worrying about my health and practically feeding every day. Bet (Y/n) would find this funny" muttering to himself Henrik sucked in a deep breath making his rotund hefty gut looking slightly smaller but enough for his hands managing to pull together the two sides of his jacket and zipping it up. The silver metal zipper comfortably settled on between the doctor's two perky soft moobs as it let out humming creaking sound whenever he took a small breath, Henrik forced himself to keep holding his stomach in fear of bursting the zipper off as he started to walk forward once more putting aside his pride and insecurity as he marched forward determined to apologise for his actions as a teenager.

Down the road inside of the warm coffee aroma cafe you sat by the window with a green cup planted on the table. Slightly hunched over your (f/d) you used a spoon to mindlessly stir creating a small whirlpool within the liquid while your other hand lazily planted on the table fingers drumming a beat with your leg bouncing nervously up and down anticipating the meeting you going to have with a person who tormented most of your high school life from simply tripping you up in the hallway to calling you some horrific names leaving you to silently cry in the bathroom stall.

'Why does Henrik suddenly want to meet up and chat with me after all these years?'

'Does he want another dose of making fun of me? Say how much better he is and how pathetic I am?'

'Don't think like that! Quite a lot of time has passed and people can change.. Maybe he just wants a talk and that's it'

Taking a nervous shaky breath, you force yourself to blink away the memories of Henrik pushing your head in the toilet dunking your head underwater or many mornings waking up feeling so anxious as your body trembles with fear that many times you ran to the sink puking and coughing up food or sometimes just gagging as the bulling left you feeling too nervous to eat anything. Leaning back in the booth you sniffed allowing the mixture of coffee beans and homemade baked pastries to calm the raging storm of anxiety that was brewing inside of you, lifting the mug up you begun to take a long sip just as the door opened letting out a bell like dinging sound alerting that someone new had entered the café.

Turning your head slightly to face the entryway your (E/c) orbs widened in a mixture of shock and surprise recognising the familiar male face as Henrik's and you couldn't help but glance down spotting the man wearing a jacket a few sizes too small clinging tightly to his large upper body outlining his plentiful love handles and his protruding tubby beerbelly. Not expecting to see the huge change in the man that bullied you caused you to gag on the drink causing a small stream of liquid to shoot out from your nose like a garden hose on full blast, patting your chest a few times as you grabbed a napkin to wipe away any liquid on the table the noise made, Henrik look over his face blossoming like a cherry red tomato as a nervous smile appeared walking over in your direction.

"H-Henrik! It's n..nice to see you again" You offered a kind yet same nervous smile that the doctor was wearing not knowing what else to say never really knowing much about him only the fact he wanted to be a doctor.

"Good morning (Y/n) you look beautiful.. I mean you always looked gorgeous.. Scheiße! You look well" Henrik nervously babbled swearing in German only making his already red face turn darker his hands moving around in the air showing how nervous he truly felt in the situation. A sudden burst of laughter erupted from you causing a strand of hair to fall in front of your face finding the man's babbling adorable yet funny and pushing away the single strand of hair you saw Henrik looking down a calmer look appeared on his face.

"Well Than-" Before you could finish your sentence Henrik cut you off while doing a hand signal that he nearly smacked himself in the face.

"Before you say anything (Y/n) you have every right to hate me or curse me out for being the world's crappy person on the planet. Time passed and I changed a lot (Y/n) and I asked to talk to you in person because I wanted to apologise for my actions in the past, I was a stupid arrogant teenager who was going through some stuff and took his anger out on you. Still, that's no excuse and I'm sorry for all the pain I caused you (Y/n)" Henrik finished his rant clearly having thinking about this for a while taking small heavy breaths his chest harshly pushing against his jacket causing the material to pinch harder. For a few seconds silence fell both of you no one dared to speak up with Henrik stood behind the chair at the table looking at you observing your body language, nodding your head mostly to yourself you offered a much warmer friendly smile seemingly accepting the apology.

"You don't really need to apologise Henrik what you did in the past is in the past! I moved on from the past plus it looks like you changed for the better since the last time we met, take a deep breath Henrik" You replied chuckling lightly obviously seeing the man's tense squared shoulders sagging in relief. Getting caught up in the situation Henrik let out a long deep breath causing his midsection to swell outwards and with a loud bang the zipper on his coat burst off hitting the wall behind you as his coat flung open with the force revealing the ego's boulder size gut and you couldn't help but stare watching the man's stomach wobble as his sweater ride up.

"URHH" Henrik scratched the back of his neck unknown what else to say feeling embarrassed as he tries to push his sweater down to cover the exposed skin but failed drastically as the material bounced riding even higher showing off his belly button. Biting your lip you let out a fake cough to get Henrik's attention not wanting to see the man get embarrassed in public.

"Accidents happen don't worry! How about we start anew? To put the past behind us! Hello I'm (Y/n) nice to meet you" The words leaving your lips you could practically feel the ego in front of you calming down as he smiles right back bending down and plonking his butt on the chair as he reaches out and shakes your hand back.

"Nice to meet ya Lass! I'm Henrik"

(The End) 

Chubby Youtubers/Egos Oneshot, Book 3Where stories live. Discover now