HC: Power Balloon

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A/n: I made this more on the funny side of things! Idea suggested/Requested by EvelynnNightingale

. For a whole month Sean would be visiting LA spending some quality time away from working behind the computer and travel across the seas to hang out with his friends.
. The very first week Sean was busy with Mark and Ethan hanging out telling endless amounts of dick jokes, all three men causing nothing but chaotic trouble around the house.
. Mark and Sean acting/having a older brother sibling relationship with Ethan, always playfully messing with the younger man moving some of his things around and playing some innocent pranks on him.
. Alot of pranks happening across the week from Ethan simply spraying silly string on Sean's face to spraying whipped cream onto Mark's sleeping face and tickling the man's nose until Mark iched his nose slapping cream all over him.
. Ethan loved his older friends seeing them as big brothers always excitedly chatting away about anything and greeting them with a hug along with trying to pick them up failing miserably.
. During a hot sunny day out where the wind couldn't help cool the three men as it was humid Ethan was setting up multiple cameras around outside in Mark's back garden.
. Chica the beaming happily golden retriever doggy paddled around the swimming pool panting calmly, Sean and Mark stood off to the side clipping the small microphones on their shirts while setting up a mysterious blind fold challenge.
. Ethan yelped feeling a small gentle bump turning around he'd saw a yellow balloon bouncing against the floor with a white letter "P" written on the front, gently picking up the balloon Ethan thought his friends recreated the P balloon from Mario as he boringly tossed it up and down catching it.
. Sneaking up behind his unsuspected friend Mark watched amusingly as the younger man caught the balloon before using his larger stronger hands to slam on top of Ethan's causing him to pop the balloon.
. Ethan pouted watching bits of yellow rubbery balloon falling to the ground, Mark joked slapping his friends back saying he buy him another balloon before walking away to resume helping Sean out to set up everything.
. Throwing a weak playful joke about how Mark was over compensating about his height with his body builder like body Ethan about to focus setting up the remaining camera before groaning feeling a slight intense bloating sensation in his stomach.
. Glancing down Ethan's mouth hung open in shock noticing his light blue shirt he was wearing looking a little snug around his upper body his once lean stomach swelling outwards rapidly with air, growing from a small round bowling ball into a moderate round basketball that relentlessly swelled rounder.
. Rooted to the spot Ethan didn't think about calling out for help to his friends watching his shirt riding higher revealing his smooth round midsection, the dark blue pair of jeans he was wearing began to creak as his thighs and butt steadily thickened with air making his body rounder and swollen.
. Within a matter of seconds Ethan's body looked like a more blimp version of himself his thick tree trunk arms raising up at his sides as air locked them into place, his shirt sat comfortably on top of his massive round yoga gut that created a large shadow on the ground and seams started to split along his jeans showing bits of pale flesh and his grey underwear.
. "Merk! Swean! Hewlp meh.." Ethan called out voice muffled due to his face puffing and rounding out giving him two chipmunk cheeks. The button on his jeans popping loudly smacking behind Mark's head who winced as both men turned around in time in complete shock noticing their younger friend inflating like a balloon.
. Flapping his swollen hands Ethan began to waddle forward his legs refusing to bend, his body soon immediately started to round out just as his jeans ripped to shreds leaving him in a shirt that acted as a bra and skintight underwear.
. His slightly spherical body sucked in his arms and legs to the elbows and knees leaving them stubbier and harder for Ethan to move, a small gust of wind picked up sending Ethan falling onto the ground landing on his gigantic belly as he slowly bounced forward towards his friends.
. "You know Eef! When I said you are full of energy you be bouncing off the floor and walls I didn't mean it literally" Mark and Sean teases both men lightly giving their younger friend a soft pat causing Ethan to freely bounce across the yard hovering over the pool and landing on the opposite side where Chica nuzzled her wet nose into his body and licked his face.
. Two tiny balloon like shadows casted onto the ground catching Mark's eyes who looked up noticing two more yellow balloons that looked exactly the same as Ethan's balloon.
. Picking them up a mischievous idea formed inside the Americans head who gave a Darkiplier smirk holding the balloons out and looked at his other non-spherical friend.
. Gulping nervously Sean backed away slowly calling his friend some choice words before bolting towards the other end of the garden with Mark chasing after him holding the balloons out intending to turn Sean into a balloon just like Ethan.
. It looked like a mini horror movie both men several minutes running around the swimming pool feet stomping loudly against the stone path surrounding the large shiny tiled pool.
. Eventually Sean had to catch his breath face bright red and turned around in time to see Mark's shocked face before their bodies colliding into one another, the balloons smacking into each others chest as they popped just as Sean and Mark fell into the cool refreshing water with a loudly splash.
. Both men were only in the water roughly ten seconds before another loud splash erupted revealing Mark's body swollen and spherical with his cloak brand grey shirt snugly wrapped around his swollen Pecs as his gigantic 12 feet wide stomach proudly rose in the sky as he floated on his back with his shorts barely covering his wide truck butt cheeks, Sean also floating on his back uselessly his swollen hands splashing the water as his stubble swollen face rubbed against his shirtless upper round body his shoes long and round looking like clown feet.
. "Seriously Merk! Your bwain is the size of a potato.. We could be like this for a long time" Sean grumbled under hua breath narrowing his eyes forced to stare at the clear blue sky while occasionally Sean's and Mark's spherical bodies collided.
. Ethan from his spot giggled somewhat calmly glad he wasn't alone in the situation before yelping as Chica begun to roll him using her wet nose using him as a giggling shouting ball, the slime action made both older men laugh and enjoy Ethan's reaction.
. It was a good day for Chica that day.

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