A Magical gain

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A/n: Another old oneshot I found

A menacing cackle left Anti's lips as he sauntered out of Marvin's room with his trusty knife in one hand he glitches down the hall to his bedroom. The past couple of weeks Anti had been insufferable to the other septic's occupants they have fallen prey to his pranks. Some of these pranks were harmless and funny like he would stand around the corner and pop out to scare whoever's coming or one time Anti drew a moustache on Chase's face while he was sleeping and everyone had laughed when chase walked in including the man himself. Some pranks however went too far, one time Anti thought it was a good idea to mess around with Henrik's computer but accidently deleted some of the doctors patients personal information or the time the demon dyed Jackie boy man's costume to pink which caused the superhero great distress and started bawling his eyes out. His latest prank he'd snuck up on Marvin whistled he was practicing a spell scaring the living daylights out of him, the lack of focus on the spell set the magicians sleeve on fire making said man scream and run around like a headless chicken until he conjured up some water putting the small blaze out, glaring at Anti Marvin shouted at the demon telling him how reckless he's being but Anti laughed it off and walked away. Muttering profanities under his breath the magician swore he would get back to see if he likes it.

Anti POV

Placing my sexy butt onto the couch a yawn escapes my lips as I still trying to wake up from my powernap. There on the coffee table was 6 cookies placed neatly in a circle on a turquoise plate, picking one up I deposit the whole thing in my mouth munching it the taste of chocolate overflows my taste buds. Moaning in relief I grab the plate quickly devouring every single cookie until there was nothing left, sighing in disappointment that there was no more cookies I'd levitated the dish back onto the table, with a simple click of my fingers the television turned on to a random movie.

No One's POV

As Anti leaned back enjoying the movie about snakes on a plane or something his whole body felt warm, flushed even taking off his t-shirt hoping that it would cool him of but unbeknownst to the demon his body was expanding with fat. His once trimmed stomach now was a chubby paunch which sat comfortably on his lap testing the limits of the jeans button, his arms became thick like tree trunks, Anti's chest swelled outward making them into moobs that rested on his gut, legs and butt filled out his jeans making them skin tight and his face bulged out giving the demon cheeks more rounder and a slight double chin. Did the expansion stop after that? Nope. If only it doubled its speed. Anti grunted his jeans felt like they were constricting him, looking down the glitch gasp as he saw what he become and was even more shocked that he saw his body still expanding. As he leaned forward the pressure came to be too much for the button as it sailed in the air landing on the floor.

"What da fuck is happening?" the glitch bitch hissed as he tried to stand up causing the back seams of his jeans rip open, blushing slightly Anti manage to stand up on jelly like legs he waddled slowly to the hallway but before he could make it the jeans gave up the fight and fell to the floor leaving a naked demon in the open. His whale sized stomach covered his crotch and nearly his knees there was only one person who could've done this.

"I'm going to kill you Marvin" he grumbled noticing his voice got deeper. The weight becoming too much for Anti as he fell on his massive rear with a thump making his whole body violently jiggle for a few seconds the loud sound woke up the nearest occupant. Robbie. The zombie was curious about the sound so he went to search for the source of it, meanwhile Anti tried to get back up but couldn't he was immobile he could slightly move his thick arms and legs but that's it. Atlas the growth seemed to stop making the demon sigh he wasn't going to get any bigger.

"Big...Anti" A voice piped up spooking the demon if he could he would've jumped in the air.

"Who's there? Show yourself." Anti demanded, dam his large pillow stomach in the way hell he couldn't turn his head much due to his triple chins.

"Me Anti, Robbie." Said the purple haired zombie as he came into view. Rob placed his bony hand on the dome of Anti's stomach, he poke and prodded and rubbed making the glitch's belly wobble like jelly causing the zombie giggle happily.

"Stop that I ne-"the glitch was interrupted by his stomach growling.

"Anti hungry? I'll help" zombie gurgled as he limped towards the kitchen leaving the whale size demon behind.

"NO I" but it was too late the zombie was gone. "I swear Marvin once I'm back to normal I will get my revenge."

Chubby Youtubers/Egos Oneshot, Book 3Where stories live. Discover now