Chapter 1: A New Life

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It has nearly been a year since Eclipso left Canterlot and saw Twilight Sparkle. Everyday, Eclipso would miss all the fun times he had with Twilight up at Canterlot while Sunstone would tease him about having a crush and Moondrop reassuring him that he'll see her again, but Eclipso highly doubted that.

At this moment, Eclipso was sitting on the sofa while gazing out the window with a glum look on his face. While Sunstone was walking by, she noticed him and had a mischievous look while walking towards him.

Sunstone: "Hey, brother. What's wrong?"

Eclipso barely lifted his head to look at his sister along with a sigh.

Eclipso: *Sigh* "Nothing. I'm fine."

Sunstone: "Oh, I know what it is. Still missing your girlfriend?"

Eclipso had had it with his sister's teasing as he jumped off the sofa while glaring at his sister.

Eclipso: "Sunstone! How many times do I have to tell you? She's not my girlfriend!"

Eclipso's outburst caused a bit of sparks to escape his horn while glaring at Sunstone, who flinched backwards with a worried look.

Sunstone: "Okay, okay. I'm sorry I said that. Just, please don't hurt me."

Eclipso blinked his eyes once which made him realize what he was doing as he dropped his glare and looked at his sister with a sad look.

Eclipso: "I'm... sorry for my outburst, Sunstone. I didn't know what came over me. Please forgive me."

Sunstone: *Sigh* "It's okay little bro. But, you got to admit, you missing your Unicorn friend has caused you to be more angry."

Eclipso couldn't help but lower his head out of guilt while nodding slightly.

Eclipso: "I know. It's been a year since I last saw her, and I just can't shake the feeling that I really do miss her."

Eclipso sheds a tear from his left eye while looking down. Sunstone, however, gave her brother a reassuring hug.

Sunstone: "It's okay, bro. I know you heard this like a hundred times already, but maybe you and your friend will see each other again."

Eclipso: "How can you possibly know that? It's been a year, and I'll probably never see her again."

Eclipso started to sob on Sunstone's shoulders while Sunstone stroked his mane with her left hoof to calm him down.

Sunstone: "I heard this old saying once, that says, 'If you give your friendship to somepony, then that friendship will always fine a way back to you.' Meaning, you gave your friendship to your friend, and maybe one day, you'll meet her again."

Eclipso lifted his head from his sister's shoulders to look at her in the eyes.

Eclipso: "You really think so?"

Sunstone: *Chuckles* "I don't think so. I know so."

Eclipso and Sunstone then hugged each other again.

Eclipso: "Thank you, sis."

Sunstone: "No problem, bro."

Then, all of a sudden, there was a sudden shake in around the house that knocked things off of the shelves which alerted the whole house.

Moondrop: "Woah! What was that?"

Sunstone: "We don't know."

Eclipso: "Well, whatever it was, maybe it's over now."

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