Chapter 8: Call of the Cutie

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Author's Note: Another one of my Pony OCs will be in this chapter. I didn't mention him before, because I didn't have this idea until a few days ago. Many of you might get upset with me for this, but this new OC is a Unicorn colt and he's gonna join the CMC (Cutie Mark Crusaders). The Unicorn colt's name is Nebula. He has a dark indigo fur-coat with dark purple mane and tail that have magenta and light-pink streaks. His magic color is purple, but his eyes are white because he was in an accident that made him blind. Like the rest of the CMC, he doesn't have a cutie mark yet.

Well, that's all I have left to say. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

It was another relaxing day in Ponyville as it was also a school day at the Ponyville schoolhouse. Inside the schoolhouse, lots of fillies and colts were sitting at their desks in rows of three while waiting for their teacher to show up. However, there was one colt who had his desk in the very back corner of the schoolhouse as he was writing something down on his paper with his magic. His name is Nebula. He didn't have any friends, so he decided to isolate himself from everypony else, and he didn't have a cutie mark either.

Whenever he was writing on his paper with his magic, that was when the teacher walked in, which was Miss Cheerilee.

Miss Cheerilee: "Lets quiet down, please. We have a very important lesson to get to."

What Miss Cheerilee said caused the class to stop talking and listen as the colt in the corner stopped writing and listened as well.

Miss Cheerilee: "Thank you. Today, we're going to be talking about cutie marks."

Miss Cheerilee removed a blank sheet of paper on a podium, revealing another sheet of paper is it showed different types of cutie marks on it. This caused a filly with a tiara on her head to have a boring look. This was Diamond Tiara.

Diamond Tiara: *whispers* "Boring."

Sitting right next to Diamond Tiara was Apple Bloom as she gave Diamond Tiara a confused look, until she turned her attention back to Miss Cheerilee.

Miss Cheerilee: "You can all see my cutie mark, can't you? Like all Ponies, I wasn't born with a cutie mark. My flank was blank."

Miss Cheerilee removed the sheet of paper, showing the different types of cutie marks, as she revaled another sheet of paper showing a picture of her when she was a filly. Another one of the fillies thought that this was cute, and she was named Twist as she smiled adorably at the picture.

Twist: *lisping* "Awww. The's tho prethouth."

Miss Cheerilee: "Then one day, when I was about your age, I woke up to find that a cutie mark had appeared."

Miss Cheerilee removed her filly picture to reveal another picture of her, showing that she was a little older while her cutie mark was on her flank, but her mane and tail was a bit crazy in the picture.

Diamond Tiara: "Look at her hair."

This caused everypony in the schoolhouse to laugh, except the colt in the corner as he just looked down with a sad look. However, Miss Cheerilee didn't find the laughing offensive as she thought that it was funny as well.

Miss Cheerilee: "Yes. I know, but honestly, that's how everypony was wearing their mane back then. I have decided to become a teacher, and the flowers symbolized my hope that I could help my future students bloom if I nurtured them with knowledge."

Apple Bloom listened to what Miss Cheerilee said as she took down some notes to remember.

Miss Cheerilee: "The smiles represented the cheer I hoped to bring to my little Ponies while they were learning."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2022 ⏰

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