Prologue: Eclipso's First Friend

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In the magical world of Equestria stood a small but steady village called Horn Mountain Village. It was a village with a stream running through it and next to a mountain in a shape of a Unicorn horn. In a one story house lived a Pony couple named Sunbeam and Moonbeam along with their adoptive fillies named Moondrop, Sunstone and Eclipso. Sunbeam and Moonbeam were still wondering who the fillies belonged to ever since they found them in that cave a few years ago.

At this moment, Moondrop and Sunstone were playing together in the house while Eclipso was just sitting on a sofa while watching them play with fascinated eyes. Then, Moondrop approached Eclipso with a smile.

Moondrop: "Hey, Eclipso. Why don't you come down and play with me and Sundrop?"

Eclipso was surprised that his brother asked him that as he had a conflicted look while thinking about it.

Eclipso: "Well... okay. Just, please don't trample me."

Eclipso got up and off the sofa while looking at his brother with a worried look.

Moondrop: "C'mon, Eclipso. When was the last time you've been trampled by either me, Sunstone or both of us?"

Eclipso: "Yesterday. And they day before yesterday. And the day before that day. And so on."

Moondrop had a guilty look after hearing his brother's reply, however Sunstone was eavesdropping the conversation and decided to join in.

Sunstone: "Really? You've been trampled that much by us?"

Eclipso nodded slightly with a sad look.

Eclipso: "Yes. Because of all of your messing around, you barely even notice that I'm around."

Sunstone: "Well, it's just because you're the baby filly of the family."

Moonbeam: "Sunstone!"

Sunstone heard her mother's stern call which caused her to recoil from Eclipso along with lowered ears and a scared look.

Moonbeam: "Eclipso is your brother. And so, you will treat him as one. Do you understand?"

Sunstone lifted her head at her mother and nodded vigorously.

Sunbeam: "And the same goes for you too, Moondrop."

Moondrop stood frozen as he heard his father talking to him.

Moondrop: "Yes sir. Me and Sunstone promise that we'll treat Eclipso as a brother from this moment forward. Right Sunstone?"

Sunstone: "Yes. We promise."

Both Sunbeam and Moonbeam smile at Moondrop and Sunstone as they made their promise.

Moonbeam: "That's great. Now, Eclipso. Is there something you like to... Eclipso?"

Moonbeam was surprised as she saw that Eclipso was no longer in the room, but in his room quietly sobbing.

Sunbeam: *Sighs* Sweetie. Why don't you take Moondrop and Sunstone to one of their friend's houses for a minute while I talk to Eclipso?"

Moonbeam: "But your train to Canterlot... it's almost on it's way to pick you up."

Sunbeam: "I know, just give me and Eclipso a minute."

Moonbeam nodded in agreement as she took Moondrop and Sunstone outside for a bit while Sunbeam entered Eclipso's room. Sunbeam saw Eclipso burring his head into his pillow while crying.

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