Chapter 6: Apples, Griffons and Boasters

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Author's Note: This is a three in one episode chapter: Applebuck Season, Griffon the Brush-off, and Boast Busters. I hope you enjoy this three in one episode chapter.

It was another morning in Ponyville as the rising sun's rays shined through a window and onto somepony's eyes, which was Eclipso, as he woke up, got out of bed, combed his mane and rushed downstairs to see what today will bring.

Sunstone: "Morning, bro."

Eclipso looked and saw Sunstone and Moondrop already up.

Eclipso: "Morning Sunstone, Moondrop. Did you two sleep well?"

Moondrop: "Yup. How about you?"

Eclipso: "Yeah. One of the best ones I've had, actually."

Sunstone and Moondrop looked at each other in confusion.

Sunstone: "Has something been bothering you, lately, Eclipso?"

Eclipso: "No. Why?"

Moondrop: "Well... it's just that you've been, well, kinda reckless is all."

Eclipso looked at his siblings with a curious and angry look.

Eclipso: "Reckless?!"

Sunstone: "You've been pulling some dangerous stunts lately, Eclipso. Maybe you should stop."

Eclipso: "Stop?! Listen you two, I'm the Element of Heroism, and the only male Alicorn in existence. I can be careful of what I do."

With that, Eclipso walks out of the house, leaving Sunstone and Moondrop to look at each other with worried looks.

After that, Eclipso decided to fly around Ponyville, his morning routine to make sure everything was alright. Then, he decided to fly by Sweet Apple Acres, because he remembered that today was Applebuck Season. As he flew by Sweet Apple Acres, he saw Applejack walking through her Apple Orchard all by herself, which caused Eclipso to land just behind her.

Eclipso: "Hi, Applejack."

Eclipso's greeting startled Applejack a bit.

Applejack: "Well, howdy do, Eclipso. What brings you here?"

Eclipso: "Well, I just remembered that today was Applebuck Season, so I decided to stop by here to make sure everything's alright."

Applejack: "Yup. Everything is just dandy. Now, don't mind me, but I got some buckin' to do."

Applejack walked off which confused Eclipso as he flew up and landed in front of her, causing her to stop.

Eclipso: "Hold up, Applejack. You're not planning on bucking all of those trees all by yourself now, are you?"

Applejack: "Of course. Why do you ask?"

Eclipso: "What about Big McIntosh?"

Applejack: "He hurt himself while trying to stop a cart to save some youngin's."

Eclipso cringed at the thought.

Eclipso: "Oach. Well, I guess the pain was worth it."

Applejack: "Mhm. Anyway, I don't need Big Mc's help. I don't need anypony's help."

Eclipso: "But Applejack, you against thousands of apple trees... "

Applejack: "Don't you dare use your mathematics the same way Big Mc did. Now, I'm gonna buck these trees without any help."

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