Chapter 7: Sleeping Ponies and Gossip

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Author's Note: This is a two in one episode chapter: Look before you Sleep and Bridle Gossip, and this is after the episode Dragonshy. I hope you enjoy this two in one episode chapter.

It was midday in Equestria as the Alicorn stallion, Eclipso is with Fluttershy in her cottage, since he decided to visit her a day after them and their friends chased off a full-grown dragon from his cave in a mountain near Ponyville.

In the cottage, Fluttershy just poured Eclipso some tea in a teacup, which he lifted up with his magic and took a sip from it.

Fluttershy: "Thanks for paying me a visit, Eclipso."

Eclipso: "No problem at all, Fluttershy. And thanks for the tea."

Fluttershy: "You're welcome, Eclipso."

Eclipso took another sip of his tea then looked at Fluttershy with a sympathetic look.

Eclipso: "Are you doing alright from yesterday?"

Fluttershy: "Oh yes. I mean, I couldn't let that big dragon hurt you or any of our friends like he did."

Eclipso cringed as he remembered that the Dragon roared at him and his friends as they crashed into that boulder.

Eclipso: "Yeah. I could've handled that dragon, but I'm just one Alicorn. What could I have done?"

Fluttershy: "Oh Eclipso, stop being so modest. I'm sure you could've stopped that dragon all by yourself."

Eclipso: "Aw. Thanks, Fluttershy. But, after learning my lesson ever since the cow stampede, I'm gonna ask for help when I really need it. So, if I did in fact faced that dragon, I would've asked for some help from our friends, even you."

Fluttershy smiled at Eclipso, then had a thought in her mind as she looked at him with a confused look.

Fluttershy: "Um, Eclipso, I hope you don't mind me asking, but... um... is there anypony in our group that you, uh, have feelings for?"

Eclipso blushed as soon as FLuttershy asked that question as he looked at her with a confused look as well.

Eclipso: "W-What makes you say that?"

Fluttershy: "Oh, I-I was just curious. I have noticed that you hang out with every one of our friends each day. Me included."

Eclipso: "Oh. Well, since you asked, I... um...

Fluttershy: "I really don't mind if you tell me. Because, Eclipso, I'm happy that we're just friends."

Eclipso was surprised what Fluttershy said.

Eclipso: "Really? You don't mind?"

Fluttershy: "Not at all."

Eclipso looked both his left and right then back at Fluttershy.

Eclipso: "Okay, to answer your question Fluttershy, I think I do have feelings for one of our friends, but I'm not sure yet."

Fluttershy: "Oh. Well, you don't have to tell me now if you're not sure yet, Eclipso."

Eclipso smiled at Fluttershy.

Eclipso: "Thanks, Fluttershy. Oh, promise you won't say anything about this?"

Fluttershy did a special kind of promise called a "Pinkie Promise."

Fluttershy: "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

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