Chapter 4: The Legend of the Alicorn Stallion

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Eclipso: "Actually, Celestia, I have a question."

Princess Celestia was curious about Eclipso's question as she gave him a confused look.

Princess Celestia: "A question? About what?"

Eclipso: "How did you know that me and Twilight became friends when we were foals? And most importantly, how did you know I would be the seventh Element of Harmony?"

Princess Celestia let out a chuckle as she smiled warmly at Eclipso.

Princess Celestia: "It was from the very moment I first saw you. Your father and I were walking in the streets of Canterlot during your and his visit. And then, out from the corner of my eye, I saw two young foals playing together. And those two foals were you and Twilight."

Eclipso was amazed that Celestia was there during that day.

Eclipso: "That's amazing, Celestia. But, how did you know I would be the seventh Element of Harmony?"

Princess Celestia: *giggles* "If you be patient, I'll tell you. But first, I think this is something that your brother, sister and your friends need to hear."

Eclipso: "Hmm, we can all talk in the Golden Oak Library. I'm sure Twilight won't mind."

Princess Celestia: "Of course."

After getting his brother, sister and the Mane 6, them, including Princess Luna were in the Golden Oak Library with Eclipso and Princess Celestia.

Twilight Sparkle: "So, Princess Celestia, why were we called in here?"

Pinkie Pie: "Yeah? We were partying up a storm!"

Princess Celestia: "Because, this is about Eclipso, and the seventh Element of Harmony."

Everypony looked at Eclipso, who gave them a nervous look.

Moondrop: "Why's that?"

Eclipso: "Earlier, I asked the Princess how she knew I was the seventh Element of Harmony."

Princess Celestia: "Indeed, and my sister and I do believe we have the answer to that question."

Princess Luna nodded in agreement as the Mane 9 had some surprised looks.

Princess Luna: "Back at our old castle, where you used the Elements to defeat me when I was Nightmare Moon, there are many old tapestries that tell different stories about either the past, present or the future."

Princess Celestia: "And one of them mentioned that an Alicorn Stallion will be born into Equestira, and he would be the seventh Element of Harmony!"

The Mane 9 smiled from hearing that as they also looked at Eclipso, who smiled as well. But then he had a curious look as he looked at the two Princesses.

Eclipso: "What else does that tapestry say about me?"

Princess Celestia and Luna looked at each other with sad looks before looking at Eclipso.

Princess Celestia: "We... don't know."

The Mane 9: "WHAT?!"

Sunstone: "What do you two mean you don't know?"

Princess Luna: "That tapestry was made around the day Equestria was still forming. Like, around the time before Celestia and I ruled Equestria."

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic; The Seventh Element of HarmonyWhere stories live. Discover now