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       Fire. Everything was on fire as she limped as quickly as she could. Tears she tried to fight back were no longer a concern. She could hear Empusas screaming behind her as well as a man shouting, swearing that no matter where she went she would always come back. Because he gave her a "gift" that she had never wanted. A power that she knew did not belong to her and that she would never allow herself to use. It wasn't wasn't her power to use..and yet another voice, one she didn't recognize, called to her to use it. That she was not the one who stole it. It begged her to use it against her father to stop him then and there, to prevent more tragedy. But she couldn't do it. She couldn't let him see her use the "gift" he forced into her.

        Red Grave City Came into view after three days of traveling. It was in ruins and the howling of demons could be heard from every direction. The remains of people completely drained of blood littered the streets. Reaching behind her, Seara gripped her Scythe in anticipation of an incoming attack. Her wounds had healed long ago and she had the experience to hold her own against fairly powerful demons. She continued walking with her guard up, yet strangely no attack came. As she turned a corner she heard the sound of gunshots and a male voice whooping and hollering like he was at an amusement park. Soon enough Seara spotted the source of the sounds. A young looking boy with short white-grey hair wielding a strange sword was making quick work of the demons surrounding him. "Come on, is that all ya got? ya know I'd like SOME kind of challenge" he taunted the enemies as they blindly threw themselves at him. Seara thought she would help him even though he didn't seem to need it..because she could sense what he was..or rather WHO he was. A descendant of Sparda. Pulling the hood of her black coat to cover her face, she hopped up to a roof near the boy to look for an opening. Surely enough, that opening came when two Fury demons began to approach the seemingly unaware boy. He laughed as he finished the last Berserker and sheathed his sword. Seara could see one of the fury's about to lunge, and she made her move. 

        Nero looked around with a disappointed scowl at the lack of powerful adversaries. As he sheathed Red Queen he could feel something was off, like someone was watching him, and he didn't like that. Suddenly a red mirage blade flew past him...wait...a mirage blade? as far as he knew only his father could make those. The blade pierced the air behind him and Nero gave a questioning tilt of his head. Then something else passed him, but this object was larger and covered in a black hooded coat. He watched as the stranger unsheathed a chain covered scythe, jumped over the space where the mirage blade floated, swing her scythe behind her then spin. Blood sprayed where the blade of the scythe cut through the air and the body of one of the fury demons fell to the ground, it's head landing next to it. The second Fury rushed her, becoming visible before trying to pierce through her. The woman spun around with such grace Nero swore she resembled his father with her quick and smooth movements. Dragging her scythe along the ground, she brought it up through the middle of the red demon, cleaving it in half with such ease. Returning the scythe to her back, the woman turned to Nero and gave him a hardly noticeable nod.

    The boy returned her nod with obvious suspicion. Could he tell she was a demon?  well..sort of a demon. "Don't think I've seen anyone with a scythe running around here before, you new?" he asked walking towards her a bit. Seara took a step back, causing the boy to halt his advance "yes..I just got here about two hours ago" she replied with a quiet voice. The boy looked her over a bit before nodding again "you got a name?," he crossed his arms before speaking again "you can call me Nero". Seara took a moment to think on if she should answer. With what emanated from him, she was sure he could point her to her destination. "My name is Seara, I'm looking for someone" she finally answered as she lifted her hood. Her long, silky abyssal black hair fell from the hood. The blood red highlights reflected the sunlight and her electric-blue eyes glittered. Her skin was smooth and slightly pale, but held no negative discrepancies. She was beautiful, yet as hard as she tried, she couldn't keep the pain filled sorrowful look from making itself known on her face. Nero shifted and dropped his head slightly as if he knew who she was referring to "I could only guess it's Dante's dumb ass?" he asked with slight irritation in his voice. 

    Seara's eyes fell to the ground at hearing the tone of his voice "I mean no's just..I feel he might be the one who needs to hear this first" she did her best to hide her emotion but she could tell it still faltered. Nero looked at her for a moment before his expression softened "well if that dumbass is back yet, his shop is that way," he pointed to the street on their left " go straight for about five blocks then take a right, two more blocks then take the left fork and it's at the end". Seara nodded and thanked Nero before replacing her hood over her head and walking  in the direction she was sent. She could still feel Nero's eyes on her, but when she turned to wave to him he was gone. Shaking her head, Seara continued forward until she finally arrived in front of Devil May Cry.

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