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     Vergil, Dante, and Nero were almost to the tower when the pillar of flames falling from the moon gave a final burst before it ceased it's flow. Seara's father stood before the flower that held her body which had been forced into her Devil Trigger, the large blades that floated behind him now circling the demonic flower. Vergil moved as fast as he could, but it wasn't fast enough as the blades pierced the flower...and Seara. His inner devil roared with anger as her screams shattered a part of him he never knew he still had. As the blades went deeper chains began to sink into the flower and Seara's body before glowing an intense green hue then disappearing. Dante and Nero rushed at her father, but suddenly the pressure around them shifted intensely making them stop in their tracks. Slowly the flower containing Zane disolved along with his body, and the flower containing Seara began to open...and something was noticeably different about her form. Seara slowly floated up before unfolding the wings that wrapped around most of her body and straightening herself out. Vergil's eyes widened in shock, her devil trigger was drastically different and it resembled a feminine version...of their father. Even in this frightening form with the stiffening air around them Seara did not move, or even seem to be aware of what was happening...her stare was dull and emotionless. "Hahahahaha! Gaze upon my work in all it's glory!" Her father laughed maniacally as his eyes burned with the same sinister green as the chain markings etched into Seara's body. Dante grit his teeth, this bastard had turned Seara into a simulacrum of their father...and was controlling her now. If she was anywhere near as powerful as their father was this could be an even bigger issue than he thought.

     All Seara could do was cry and scream as the memories tormented her over and over again. She didn't have the strength emotionally or physically to fight back. She could hear voices calling for her...screaming for her...but she couldn't let them in. Overrun with fear and pain as she watched her mother die brutally too many times to count...her brother seize and beg their father to stop the experiments until his throat was raw. She could feel the demonic veins pierce her time and time again as she cried out for someone to save her. And all that time her father only looked on with no emotion or told her that she would thank him for this "gift". "Seara...!" The voice that tormented her the most kept calling her...screaming for her to wake up, to pull herself together...but the returning trauma was too much. Suddenly everything shifted and Seara was no longer in that place she suffered in for so long...but it didn't get better. She was back in Red Grave City, but everything there was on fire as well. The streets ran red with blood and countless bodies littered the ground. Somehow...instead of keeping her down, a new fear drove Seara to get to her feet and run. Through the winding streets and passed the burning buildings until she got to her destination...Devil May Cry. Even as the buildings around it were burned and collapsing, the shop had barely started getting singed by the flames around it. "Vergil!? Dante!?" Seara screamed for them as loud as she could and earned no reply as she burst into the shop. Her eyes grew wide and her tears began to return in full as she saw their bodies scattered on the floor. Her feet felt heavy as she dragged herself to Vergil, who was still clinging to the Yamato. Dropping next to him, she traced the hardened outline of his blood-splattered jaw "I-I' sorry...I never meant for this to happen" her breathe grew heavy as her tears turned to blood. She held Vergil tightly before letting out a primal scream.

     Vergil and the others had to cover their ears as Seara suddenly screamed out with enough force to burst their eardrums and caused the tower to rumble. Vergil could hear the pain and anger in her scream...feel the weight and agony it carried. He knew this couldn't go on for long...otherwise Seara would shatter inside whatever nightmare her father placed her in...and she might never recover. Glancing at Dante and Nero, he received a knowing gesture from both as they charged at Seara's father. However it wasn't their target that they hit...but a barrier. Vergil looked up to see Seara lifting a hand to summon the barrier in front of her father to protect him, if they were going to end this they needed to split Seara and her father apart. "Dante! you and Nero focus on him...I'll take care of Seara" he called back before returning his gaze to meet Seara's...but he saw nothing in her eyes but emptiness. Summoning his clone once more, Vergil pointed Yamato at Seara and his clone followed as they leapt forward in an attempt to pierce through her barrier. Vergil roared in his devil trigger, willing all of his power to surface as his clone copied his moves. There was a cracking sound and the barrier began to shatter with Vergil and his clone rushing through to collide with Seara's wings as she braced herself. Vergil used all of his force to push her back away from her father and the others until he managed to push her off the tower completely. She roared in anger and suddenly disappeared, Vergil unable to sense her turned around thinking she was returning to her father when something hit him...hard. He crashed into the wall of the tower and his clone dissipated from the impact before Vergil landed on a platform inside the structure. Another rage filled shriek drew his attention upward as Seara slammed her scythe down towards him. Vergil vanished in an instant and reappeared behind her with Yamato sheathed to release a flurry of void slashes. He didn't want to hurt her if he didn't need to, and so far she wasn't showing herself as much of a threat as he anticipated her to be. Even so Vergil knew not to let his guard down, if her father truly made her to resemble Sparda as much as possible....then she could be more of a problem than he was hoping for. If she relied on her father to give her orders to use that power, then hopefully separating them will prevent any unnecessary difficulty.

     It wasn't long before Trish and Lady joined up with Dante and Nero to provide what support they could against Seara's father. Trish did her best to focus most of her shots in the same places to create weak points in his armor like before, but he was aware of these intentions this time and ensured he paid more attention to her. This gave Dante and Nero more of an advantage being up close and personal, attacking from different directions to keep him in the same relative space and to keep his attention scattered. "Where the fuck did Vergil go?" Lady called as she let loose a barrage of rockets that were either deflected or made contact without inflicting enough damage. "Where do you think? did you not notice his girlfriend is missing to?" Dante replied in his snarky sarcastic voice. Trish just about dropped her gun before dodging a spine and retaking her aim "excuse me... his what? theres no way he actually-" the look Dante sent her was enough to make her pause for a moment before a grin replaced her skeptical frown "well, well...I wonder how that's gonna go after this". Nero just huffed with an obvious hint of annoyance which only made Dante wanna troll him harder. But right now they had to take this guy down and save Seara...he hoped Vergil would be able to deal with her alone. A loud crash sounded further ahead of them and the tower shook beneath them for a moment before another roar was heard from inside the tower. Dante figured the separation plan was working and hoped Seara didn't have all the power their father did.

     Vergil stayed a bit on the defensive in order to avoid possibly drawing Seara into using too much power. Even though her body has been changed to hold said wasn't something to use so recklessly when her body wasn't used to it. She had barely started getting used to harnessing her own power, the toll of using power possibly equal in magnitude to Sparda himself would damage her body severely. Vergil was easily able to counter most of her attacks other than some flaming projectiles she summoned which were able to shatter his mirage blades. So far he had been able to revert from his trigger to save his power and build it back up in case she decided she had enough and in doing so seemed to slightly outmatch her in speed at least. " need to focus. I know you can hear me" he tried to reach out to let his energy rub against her consciousness in an attempt to soothe her and draw her from sleep, but he was met with resistance borne of fear, pain, and anger. She was a raging storm much like what he used to be and even after coming to terms and attempting to change and fix what he had destroyed, he still felt that same storm within himself...but now it was because he had someone in his heart that was suffering just like he had. "'s alright now.." he allowed his voice to be as soft and gentle as he could in order to reduce the feeling of being a threat to her. He remembered how she had reacted when Dante had done the same thing when she was forced into her Devil Trigger for the first time, and as the gap between she and him closed...he dodged her scythe and allowed his hand to trace her cheek. The sudden movement made her freeze and for a moment Vergil could reach into her mind, and what he heard shattered his heart. "Vergil!!...please don't leave me!" he couldn't see what was happening, but he knew her father was showing her more that just past trauma. He heard her cries and screams..his name over and over along with Dante, Nero, and the others...but even then she cried out for him more than anyone else. "Someone please!!! me!...Vergil!!" her voice was ragged from calling out to him and it made his inner devil seethe with anger and longing to save her. Once again with everything he had, Vergil forced himself through the barriers in her mind until he could barely make out her figure and as loud as he could...called out to her "I'm right here Seara!...we all are! Let me in...let me help you" her body stopped shuddering for a moment before she turned to him... "Vergil?".


Sorry this was so late but I tried to make it longer to make up for it. My sleep schedule has been horrid so I was asleep most of the day T^T I hope you guys enjoy the chapter and as always stay safe and healthy!

Vergil- *glares* "you ask others to stay safe and healthy yet you have sleeping issues and stress yourself to entertain them?"

Me- *punches his arm* "It's not stressful to entertain them, I just feel bad for not updating like a normal person"

Vergil-" aren't a normal person"

Me- "...fuck you"

Vergil *gives a small grin* "maybe later"

Me- "O_O"

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