Move Forward

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                                                                               SLIGHT SMUT!!!


     Seara woke to a pair of lips gently brushing her forehead, but before she could fully awaken Vergil had left the room. She remained there for a moment reminiscing about what happened the day before. She and Vergil had...mated. "Ours...Mate...Forever" her inner devil purred in the back of her mind causing her to smile. Seara never thought things would turn out like this, yet they had. As she began to sit up and stretch the door opened and Vergil re-entered the room with a bottle of water and something else. He looked irritated at first, then as he looked up to notice Seara had woken up his demeanor changed "how are you feeling?" he sat beside her and handed her some pills and the water. They were pain relief pills and as soon as Seara realized this she noticed how sore she really was. After all...Vergil had triggered while he was still inside her. She blushed at the memory and quickly swallowed the pills before looking him in the eyes "I hadn't really noticed until you brought it up...but just a bit sore." He gave a small chuckle as his hand caressed her cheek "it's to be expected with how things...escalated. I didn't mean to hurt you if I did" he traced his thumb over her lips before leaning forward and kissing her so delicately, like he thought she would break from the contact. Seara leaned into the kiss, her hand traced up his leg before he stopped her "careful...should let you recover first before I take you again. I cannot guarantee it will be as gentle as before" he took her lips for a moment more before Dante called from downstairs. "You guys gonna come eat breakfast or what?! Nero's girl worked hard on it!" he yelled followed by a quieter "ow" and Trish scolding him.

     Kyrie was quite nice...a little too much, but it was still comforting in it's own way. Everyone was there eating, Nero said Kyrie liked to make plenty of food for everyone and he definitely wasn't lying. Smiles, laughter, and just normal all made Seara happy, yet it was something she wasn't very used to. Ever so often she could feel eyes on her whether it was Dante, Trish, or her new lover. It took her a moment before sighing "I know you guys are worried about me...I can feel it" Seara looked up to meet Dante's gaze which was much more serious than usual. "We just wanna know that you're ok...a lot has happened to you" he switched over to Vergil with a small, teasing grin showing that he absolutely knew what happened between the two of them the day before. Seara blushed heavily and felt Nero's shocked gaze on her for a moment, as if he was trying to silently question what he was fairly sure Dante was getting at. Vergil growled a moment before clearing his throat and looked between Seara and Nero and finally spoke up "he has a much as I hate to admit. Besides after everything else I learned from you yesterday..." he looked away for a moment with a saddened expression on his face and Dante suddenly looked like he regretted bringing it to light. Suddenly Vergil chuckled and looked back up to Seara as he stood from the table and walked behind Nero who tensed up slightly "you said you could not have children correct?" a bit of shuffling and a few breaths being caught ensued in reaction from his question. But Dante immediately perked up, knowing what his brother was up to "oh sweet, pragmatic Vergil" he thought to himself. Seara blinked at her lover for a moment as Nero looked between the two of them in confusion "Y-yes...that's correct" she stammered as she tried to get her words out and Vergil slapped both of his hands on Nero's shoulders "well, now you have one". Nero's eyes widened as he locked eyes with Seara who was blushing so hard it went down to her torso.

     "So...are you stepmom now?" Nero questioned as he brought in some more dishes. Kyrie and Nico insisted they would do the dishes and Seara aimed to help..only being allowed to a little bit. "I...guess so, if you wanna think about it that way", she looked away from him for a moment and Nero looked a little panicked "it's not that I would mind or anything! I just wondered...never really thought the old man would choose another girl, just cuz of how he is." Nico took the plate Nero attempted to hand to Seara and winked at the both of them before shooing them from the kitchen. "I think he is trying his best to change, Nero. I could see it at the start of all this. He may still struggle...but after everything he has been through it will be hard. All you can do is be patient and wait for him...and move forward," They looked up to see Vergil and Dante playing pool while Trish and Lady watched from the corner making Seara smile again "we all do". The night progressed until Kyrie, Nero and Nico went home. Dante had left with Trish and Lady to go get some ice cream while Vergil disappeared somewhere up stairs, leaving Seara on her own still on the bottom floor. She made her way around the pool table, tracing her nails along the soft fabric as she gathered the billiard balls and set them up before grabbing a cue and making her way to the front. Standing there for a moment Seara wondered if she ever really learned how to play the game. Having watched Dante and Vergil earlier made it seem like it wasn't very hard but she didn't wanna look stupid either way. Suddenly she felt a presence incredibly close behind her before she felt his breath on her neck and his hands on her waist "you look a bit unsure, would you like me to teach you how to play?" Vergil's cool, soft voice sent shivers throughout her body as it graced her ear.

     Letting out a breath Seara nodded her head as Vergil began to trail his hands up her body before taking the cue and showing her how to hold it. She could feel him move her body before his hand pressed against her back signaling her to lean over the table. Seara felt like she was on fire with how bad she could feel herself blushing "now...aim and shoot". She didn't know if she could do either at this point, Vergil had completely killed her focus. But she did what she could as she took her shot. The balls scattered and she ended up making three successful shots. "Very good", Vergil pulled her back up and turned her until she was facing him, still so very close to her body. His eyes were glowing an un-earthly blue and suddenly he had his hands under her thighs, lifting her to sit on the pool table as he began to ravage her neck with his lips and tongue. Seara couldn't hold back her gasps and moans as she tore his coat from his body, drawing out an echoed growl from Vergil. He pulled away to push her gently so that she laid back on the surface of the table and placed himself between her legs, grinding his already hard bulge against her core. "V-Vergil...the others will.." Seara couldn't continue as he ground against her harder "we will move before they get here", he assured her as his hands made their way underneath her to unzip her corset top and throw it to the side. She blushed as he took one of her nipples into his mouth while he massaged the other. He was definitely a bit rougher this time, but Seara wasn't worried...she wanted to see what he could do. As Vergil's hand trailed along her skin, going lower and lower, a pair of headlights glared through the shop window followed by the sound of a couple of motorcycle engines. Vergil swiftly grabbed her top and carried her upstairs, shutting and locking the door before the others even entered the shop. Seara smiled and did her best to keep quiet as Vergil took her once more. He was still so gentle yet a bit more rough than before, but Seara enjoyed it all the same if not more. 


Hello! so sorry I'm not keeping up with updating but I will definitely be fixing that. In fact I'm adding this chapter and starting up my next fanfic right after! It will be a Transformers Prime fanfic called Fallen From the Stars(RatchetGuardian/MegatronxOc) and I really hope you guys enjoy it. I'm going to do a different pov take with it as well cuz I think it would make writing it smoother. So head over and give that a read as well once it's up! I also changed the image for this chapter as I didn't realize I had already used a similar one lol.

The Calm to The Storm (Vergil x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now