Blood Rage

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       Seara woke to the sound of laughter from outside her room. Sitting up slowly, she looked towards the couch to find Vergil gone. His coat, vest, and shirt were no longer draped over the chair in the opposite corner of the room. Seara pulled the covers off and slid out of the bed, making to grab her clothes and change...however said clothes were not where she left them. A knock at the door made her jump slightly before Trish appeared with a few bags hanging from her arms. "Thought you could use some variety in your wardrobe, don't worry it's all still your style" she mused while dropping the bags on the bed. Seara blushed slightly "you guys didn't have to do that..I don't know if i can pay-" Trish waved her off with a smile "don't sweat it, usually I'd pin this on Dante but consider it a welcome to the team gift". Seara felt like she might cry, her inner devil purring with happiness at how accepting these people have already become with her. Making her way next to Trish, Seara skimmed over the clothes. They were all definately her style. She pulled aside a black and red corset top that had a choker connected to it to hold the front up and zipped up in the back. It had ribbons tied up along the side and allowed bits of skin to show through. A pair of black leather skinny jeans that flared out slightly at the feet with red chains hanging from the sides with spikes dangling from them. And finally some black heeled boots that zipped up and had spikes on the back above the heel.

    After Seara picked out her outfit and changed, she came out and earned a whistle of approval from Trish before she gathered the rest of her stuff and followed the blonde out into the main room. Another whistle caught her attention, this time coming from Dante "damn Trish you really know how to dress someone" he chuckled. Nero shook his head while Nico and lady came up to examine her closer. Seara didn't think she could blush any harder...until she looked up and caught Vergil looking at her intensely. "If you keep staring at her like that Verg, people are gonna think your having some ideas" Dante teased his brother who only scoffed and replied with a "shut up Dante" before making his way out of the room. Dante winked at Seara and she couldn't help but laugh as the rest of them made their way out to the van. Once again on the road, everyone was keeping to themselves except for the occasional up front bickering from Nero and Nico. The drive lasted for maybe two hours before they had to stop and handle an actual demon horde. It somewhat made Seara a bit relaxed to not have run into more of the failed demons her father created. But she knew that would be short lived. Seara ended up splitting off with Nero and eventually ended up by herself. Arcing her scythe behind her, she allowed her demonic power to flow into it before launching a few energy waves that cleaved the demons around her in twos or more. 

    Seara began loosing track of her surroundings. Like she had been set to autopilot. She just killed and killed without paying much attention, and she knew something was off. But as much as she wanted to stop herself, she couldn't, the rush..the blood..the felt good. Her eyes began to glow and the blood that stained her body began to steam and burn away. Her inner devil called to her, but she pushed it away. Neither of them were in control of her actions and her inner devil was trying to help her come to her senses. But she forced it into silence as her trigger began to slowly activate and her voice doubled over. She wanted more, but she had already slaughtered all the demons in her area. Her trigger was finally fully activated by the time she sped through the maze of buildings looking for more things to kill, it didn't matter what..she just wanted to kill. Her mind was foggy and her senses clouded as something came into her view and she went to strike. Her scythe made contact with Red Queen and she could see the shock and confusion on Nero's face as he tried to push her back, but her being in her devil trigger was making it difficult. "Seara, what the hell is your problem?" He struggled as his voice doubled with the activation of his own trigger, but Seara didn't answer. Before Nero could knock her off with one of his spectral claws, he found himself flying through a building.

     Vergil and Dante were basically challenging each other as they continued to rack up their kills until Vergil sensed a large amount of demonic energy flying towards them. Suddenly whatever it was flew between him and Dante and crashed. After the dust settled a devil triggered Nero grunted as he stood up between them. "What the hell happened to you?" Dante jabbed him earning a growl from Nero. "Something is wrong with Seara, I thought she didn't like to use her trigger?" Nero asked as he straightened up but suddenly had to guard again as Seara crashed into him, the force sending Dante and Vergil back a bit. Seara's double voice rang in their ears with a primal scream as she swung her scythe at Nero. Even though he managed to guard the attack, the force managed to go through and slice his shoulder. Nero cried out as the injury burned with Seara's demonic power having seeped into the wound. Vergil rushed at Seara attempting to get her off of Nero, but had to guard against one of her tails while Dante was caught guarding the other. Vergil caught her eyes and it was then he understood. "She's fallen into a blood rage" he called to the other two before managing to deflect her tail. She wasn't used to the rush of her power, to restraining it, causing her hunger for it to cloud her senses and overrun her. It was something her inner devil couldn't even manage to help because Seara never trusted it. Vergil, Dante, and Nero never had to deal with a blood rage. But Seara was different, she wasn't born with that power...with her inner devil. It was like another entity entirely had control over her.

   Seara rushed at Vergil who vanished and went into his own trigger before slamming her into the ground. He could feel her inner devil trying to help bring her under control. "Seara...wake up" Vergil's double voice whispered in her ear. Her eyes widened, she had never heard him sound so gentle, so soft. He leaned back and de-triggered and she saw the concern in his eyes, like he hoped he had reached her. Seara let out a breathe as her trigger began to fade and tears started forming in her eyes "Vergil...I-I'm sorry". She closed her eyes to avoid his gaze but felt a thumb on her cheek and opened her eyes to see Vergil wiping her tears away. "It isn't your fault, or your inner devil's" he continued to speak softly as he got off of her and offered his hand. She took it and made sure she was steady before she gasped..Nero! Seara went to pass Vergil and run to check on Nero but stummbled and just about face planted on the ground before Vergil caught her. "Easy...Nero is fine" he looked at her as she leaned against him which made him slightly uncomfortable only because he still wasn't sure about his 'developing feelings' for her. With a heavy sigh, he picked her up bridal style, causing her to gasp lightly in surprise and made his way to Nero and Dante. Nero was back to normal, examining his shoulder which had indeed healed then turned to meet her gaze as they approached. "Nero...I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you" she looked at the ground trying to avoid seeing the gash in his coat and shirt. Nero shook his head "it's fine, it wasn't your fault" he got up and walked towards her and placed a hand on her shoulder to reassure her. Dante followed and crossed his arms "however..this may not have been her or her inner devils fault, but it is because of the fact that you don't know how to properly use your power" he looked her in the eyes with a serious expression "we gotta change that". Vergil hummed in agreement and Seara knew they were right. Her inner devil purred at her with encouragement and Seara felt like it was time to accept her new life. 

   It was decided that they would rest and relax during the ride when it was daytime. But when night fell Dante and Vergil would take her somewhere and begin training her on how to use her power while also increasing her combat skills. The first night the guys were relentless with their attacks, barely giving her time to react. But she managed to catch up to them quickly, evading them and catching all their attacks while being able to launch her own counter attacks. Seara was able to match them by the end of the night which surprised Vergil a bit more than Dante. As they returned to the van the schedule for their next training would be dealing with her power and her trigger. She was nervous thinking about it as she looked out the window at the passing terrain. Her eyes grew heavy with sleep and she slunk down into the couch, thankful that Trish and Lady managed to talk Dante into letting them ride atop cavalier to provide more room in the van. She closed her eyes and began to drift, feeling the usual phantom eyes of Vergil on her, but she had to admit she was starting to like having his eyes on her. Her inner devil agreed and as she fell asleep she could still hear it calling out





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