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So Im not very good at drawing or anything but both a mix of the picture for the title and this one are what Seara's trigger would look like, just more black and red lol

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So Im not very good at drawing or anything but both a mix of the picture for the title and this one are what Seara's trigger would look like, just more black and red lol. she has the double wings, flaming hair, and horns from the title image with the look of the body scaling and double tails from the image above. if i can ever get someone to actually make it then ill come back and edit this, until then just kinda use your imagination lol.



       Seara heard it, but barely had enough time to dodge the incoming attack only to realize it had come from Vergil. She stumbled back while reaching to grab her scythe to block his next attack. "Vergil, what the fuck are you doing?" Dante yelled at his brother. Vergil kept his hardened gaze on her, and she could tell he was in a bad mood at the moment. "If she continues to suppress her inner devil, she will be nothing more than a hinderance" Vergil answered with annoyance in his voice. His eyes began to glow for a moment as he called for Mirage Blades to rain down from above her. "I don't know what your talking about!" Seara managed to push Vergil back and twirled her scythe above her head, shattering the Mirage Blades as they fell. She was tired from fighting the morphed horde and her father, who had taken up residence in her brother's body. "Foolishness Seara. The blood of Sparda now flows through your veins, stop fighting it". Vergil rushed her and she saw an opening, arcing her scythe down in his direction, but before the blow could connect he vanished, causing her blade to strike the ground and lodge itself into the dirt. Vergil's voice came from behind her "you'll have to do better than that" he whispered almost right in her ear. Seara grit her teeth and spun, dragging her blade through the ground into an uppercut that would have cleaved Vergil in two had he not side stepped it swiftly. The tip of Yamato was inches from her throat as she glared at the eldest twin before summoning her own Mirage Blades and managing to force him back enough that she didn't have to worry about him charging Yamato into her throat. "You want to stop your father do you not? to keep more people from becoming those abominations?" he questioned and she huffed at his mocking gesture "Of course I do! you have no idea what it was like..what they went through to be turned into that! What I went through to be turned into what I am!" Seara screamed at him and for a moment she thought she saw his expression soften slightly, but it hardened back almost instantly as he raised Yamato back at her. "Then show me your motivation, use that power against him instead of cursing it for lying within you" Vergil rushed her again, managing to keep her on the defensive with his superior speed. Along with trying to keep up with his physical attacks, she had to worry about the Mirage Blades almost constantly.

          "I refuse to use it because it is not mine! I will never give him the pleasure of seeing me use it!" she struggled even more to keep her emotions in check, she knew Vergil was aiming to make her lose control, to let that power out. "whether it is yours or not doesn't matter", Vergil finally managed to catch her with a few hidden Mirage Blades and pin her to the building behind her "you are not the one who stole it, I know you've felt it begging you to use it. Your inner devil wouldn't do that if it didn't think you deserved it, as for your father? who cares if he sees you use that power? let him see that it was his own undoing to have that power bared against him" He raised Yamato once more as a volley of Mirage Blades formed on either side of him. Seara let her head fall and her grip on her scythe loosened. Vergil was right, she knew he was...but she still fought with herself, she was torn in so many directions and she was lost. "That's enough!" Dante finally had it and launched into a stinger, barely missing his brother as he vanished, leaving the tip of Devil Sword Dante a hairsbreadth from piercing Seara's Sternum. "Agreed" came the reply as Dante's eyes widened in surprise just before the Yamato pierced through his back, forcing itself and Devil Sword Dante into Seara's chest at the same time. She let out a harsh, primal scream as her vision narrowed and cold flames burst out and enveloped her. Her rage boiled over and in her ears rumbled something ferocious, dripping in sin, tar and blood. Both brothers had retreated slightly with Dante's concern turning into an even more surprised look than before. "She has a devil trigger" his eyes traced over the pitch black scales and the red glowing trenches between them. What skin was less armored with scales was smooth and a lighter shade of red. Her wings were noticeably different than theirs with an upper and lower set along with two tails that were almost similar to Vergil's tail. The horns that crowned her head were a bit like Dante's but widened out a bit more with her hair having become flames that flowed between them down her back. Dante had to admit, her trigger was badass if not interesting. 

  Seara was floating slightly when the flames had vanished to reveal her trigger, her red eyes still glued to the ground with her slit pupil tracing the cracks in it being the only indication she was attentive. Vergil lowered Yamato for a moment before a low growl caused him to change his mind. Seara noticeably grit her teeth before raising her head and letting out an angry double-voiced scream that caused the area around them to quake. Before either of them could say her name, Seara launched herself at Vergil who barely managed to raise Yamato in time to block her claws from piercing through him. Vergil leapt back to attempt to trigger himself but Seara vanished and reappeared behind him before he had the chance and managed to land a kick to his side, sending him into a building nearby and letting out another rage filled cry. Dante had the chance to trigger while Seara went after Vergil and rushed to try to stop her, but got slapped with both of her tails into the fountain. Seara flew above him and threw herself onto him, her knees slamming into his stomach and drawing a slightly pained roar from him. She raised one of her clawed hands to strike him, and he de-triggered which caused a look of confusion to line her face. Dante reached a hand up and caressed the side of her face "It's alright, I don't wanna hurt you..and neither does Verg, he's just being an ass with how he was trying to help you..It's ok now" he whispered to her gently as his thumb rubbed against her cheek. Seara's eyes widened and a tear fell from one as she struggled to speak "D-Dante?". Dante smiled as Vergil appeared from the hole in the building while dusting himself off, studying the situation he had unintentionally created. Seara lowered her clawed hand before throwing herself off and away from Dante, gripping her head and crying out as she fought to regain control. Her inner devil surprisingly understood, it didn't want to make her suffer, just kick Vergil's ass. Her devil relinquished control of her body and mind back to her with a gentle purr and retreated to the back of her mind. Seara de-triggered and the exhaustion she had before had increased tremendously, causing her legs to give out and her vision to strain. She felt herself falling forward not having the strength to stop, but before she hit the ground she felt someone catch her gently. Her eyes had begun to close and her vision was so blurred she thought it was Dante that caught her, however before she lost consciousness she was able to make out the blue-ish detailing on the sleeves of Vergil's coat.


 Man this was a long one haha I was really wanting to make it good. Vergil needs to learn a better way to help people huh? and Dante is trying so hard to be brotherly its cute. I hope you enjoyed this one and don't be afraid to leave comments as long as they aren't intentionally mean <3 as always stay safe and healthy!

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