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      It took a while for everyone to gather and get ready for the coming adventure. On the way Seara had to tell her story once more to the rest of the team that joined them. Dante knew they were gonna need everyone they could get. Nero sat in the passenger seat with his head leaned over to show he was listening while Dante and Vergil sat across from her. Trish was leaned back next to her while Lady leaned against the jukebox. "Well now I can agree that telling Dante first made sense" Nero called behind him. Nico was blowing her cigarette smoke out the window for once "and I thought me and lizard boy here had daddy issues" she said earning a "seriously?" look from Nero. Seara couldn't help but chuckle a little at the name. They had introduced her to Nico an hour or so after Seara told Dante and Vergil about herself and the gig, and Nico got comfortable with her super fast. She learned the nickname for Nero and it's origin and at first she felt bad for him, but already found it hard to not laugh at it. Dante didn't even try to hide his amusement. Vergil, however found himself looking at the floor to avoid any eyes that sought to blame him like he deserved to be. After that the ride was surprisingly quiet save for Nero and Nico messing with each other from time to time. Dante read his magazine, Trish and Lady were messing with their equipment in the back with permission from Nico, and Vergil was reading his book. Though every now and then Seara could feel his eyes shift to her, she didn't have to look at him to know. She could feel the shivers in her body, like something was trying to tell make her look back. But she refused. Suddenly the van came to an abrupt stop causing Seara to almost fall onto the floor and the brothers to lose their reading material. "Why do you always fucking do this?" Nero yelled only getting a pointed finger from Nico "well usually it's because demons are in the way" she replied calmly. "Usually you run them over" came to counter reply and Seara stood up to see what Nico was pointing at. Her heart stopped for what felt like forever "Yea well," Nico started "those ain't the kind that I can run over, in fact they don't look like any I've even seen before"

       Dante stood behind Seara causing her to tense and her seemingly frozen heart to start up again. "What the hell?" came his confused voice almost in a whisper. These "demons" were what Seara feared they would run into. She had hoped they wouldn't cross them, wouldn't see the fate of those unfortunate enough to have the experiments fail on them. They looked like contortioned, morphed people..with parts that definitely looked like that of demons. They all began to step out of the van to fight this threat while Nico stayed inside. "You two stick close to the van, the rest of us will deal with these things" Dante called to Trish and Lady, both of which pouted "you just don't want us to have any fun" Lady frowned but did as she was asked. As Dante, Vergil, Nero, and Seara made their way to the horde of monsters, Seara could feel something burning in her chest, but she pushed it away. She knew what it was and refused to acknowledge it. This seemed to draw tension from someone close to her, but she couldn't tell who. The creatures before them shrieked and began to charge and eventually had the four of them slightly split up. Seara swung her scythe above her head before spinning and throwing it forward. The spinning and momentum caused it to circle back around her, cleaving everything in a close proximity to her before returning to her hand. The screams were enough to tear at her heart "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry" Seara called to them barely fighting back tears. She knew they were hurting, how they suffered. She had to end it. She had to stop this, to stop him. Suddenly a voice called her, it sounded familiar...but it couldn't be. Cleaving two more of the failed demons beside her she looked to her left to see Vergil effortlessly killing everything around him without getting even a single drop of blood on him. Seara... the voice again called her name and she looked past Vergil to see something, no, someone in the alley beside him. How did Vergil not know they were there? was he ignoring them? but what Seara saw next caused her to almost cry out.

        Vergil was already growing tired of this. what the hell even were these creatures? He looked over to Seara, studying how she handled them. He heard her apologize to them as she slaughtered them...she knew. She knew what they were, where they had come from, and why they were here. Her father was trying to stop them, or at the very least slow them down. It irritated him almost as much as when he felt her suppress her power. He had felt it. The demon inside her screaming to be released..for her to use it, let it help her. But she shut it away, locked it back in the cage she had kept it in. And it angered him. He turned his attention back to the horde around him, freezing them in place with Mirage Blades every now and then only to cleave them without seemingly drawing Yamato from it's scabbard.  A few seconds later he heard some sort of choked sound come from Seara's direction and as he turned to find the source, something shot past him into the alley.

      It couldn't couldn't. Over and over Seara tried to make herself believe it...yet she saw him. She saw the green glow in his eyes and then he moved deeper into the alley. She ran right past Vergil without a word and the figure moved faster. She knew it was dragging her away, that it could be a trap. But she didn't care...she had to know how he was there, why he was there. She came out of the alley to what looked like some sort of courtyard with a fountain at it's center, her scythe shaking in her hand. "Well, look well since I last saw you" came the voice, though it was much clearer now. However it was now a bit different than what Seara remembered. Something about it was off as she turned to face where it had come from. Her eyes widened again and tears threatened to fall as she looked right into his eyes "Zane..." the name of her brother struggled to leave her lips as her eyes met his. His short black hair hadn't changed since she last saw him alive. He had a black vested coat top which trailed behind him and silver-ish leather pants. A claymore rested on his shoulder as he leaned on the fountain. "Yes and no" he stated with a slight laugh. That's when she knew, she had heard a distortion in his voice, much like the false Angels she had run into once at Fortuna. "What the hell did you do to him?!" Seara screamed, the tears finally let out. "You and your brother were the only ones that could become what I wanted, I couldn't just let his body go to waste" Her father chuckled as he pushed off the fountain. Seara screamed and ran at him. His words tore into her and made her wish she had killed him before all this happened. But she didn't think it would ever come to this. 

    Vergil had no idea what was going on, all he knew was Seara flew past him and disappeared into the alley. He looked to Dante and Nero who had finished off the rest of their enemies, eventually locking eyes with Dante. His brother looked confused for a moment before he nodded "Nero go back to the van...just do it!" he yelled before Nero could object and followed Vergil into the alley. Thats when they heard the scream and the sound of clashing blades. Vergil rounded the corner first to see Seara skid across the courtyard, slowing her momentum and distance with her scythe in the ground. The man she was fighting laughed and raised his claymore, but when he saw the twins his smile faded and the claymore disappeared. "Looks like our fun is over for daughter, I hope you use your gift next time..I wanna see how it suits you" with one more laugh he suddenly vanished. Vergil and Dante made their way to Seara as she began to stand up and avoided looking at them. But what she said next caused Vergil to lose the last of his composure with her "I refuse to use this power...I'll never let you win".





Thats it, Vergils had it. What gonna happen next? guess you'll find out in the next update but I can tell you it's gonna be good, or bad? who knows? thank you for waiting, Iknow i said I would update on Saturday's but i might add another day so it's not too long of a wait for the action. I'll let ya know, until then stay safe and healthy!

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