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     It had been two days since the group had made it back to Red Grave City and Seara had yet to wake up. Vergil would be lying if he told himself he wasn't concerned. He had placed himself on the couch on the bottom floor, buried in his book to keep himself from pacing and drawing unwanted teasing from his brother. Although Dante was even on edge about her not having woken up yet. Trish went back and forth frequently to check on her, telling everyone each time that she was doing better little by little. Vergil's inner devil was starting to get restless "mate...need...comfort...mate"  it repeated many different wants and needs to see her, to be next to her and see for itself that she was ok. Finally, Vergil had had enough and rose from the couch receiving a glance from Dante who had chosen only to smile but not say anything as Vergil made his way up the stairs. "Where do you think you're going?" Trish called after him before Dante had gotten up and grabbed her shoulder earning him a small glare. Backing away slightly with his hands up he shook his head slightly "just let him go" he said looking to his brother who disappeared behind the now closing door to Seara's room. Vergil closed the door quietly and made his way to the side of Seara's bed, which was actually his since they didn't have a bed in the extra room, and sat on the edge. Her face was calm and her breathing was slow and even in pace. Vergil lifted his palm to her cheek and rubbed his thumb against it before he leaned forward and placed his forehead against hers "Seara...I have something I need to say...but I can't say it if you don't wake up. How long will you make me wait?" the corners of his lips barely rose into a small smile as he pulled away.

     She heard his voice calling for her. It was dark and she felt so light...like she was floating, before her inner devil too began to awaken and pull her into consciousness. Seara began to slowly open her eyes and was surprised to find Vergil next to her, his hand was still on her cheek. His eyes widened slightly as he drew his hand away, but Seara managed to catch it before he got out of her reach. "What is it you want to say...Vergil?" her voice was quiet and weak as she struggled to sit up. Vergil placed his other hand on her shoulder to keep her down "don't push yourself...you're still recovering" his eyes met hers and she could feel the heat on her face as she turned away. Seara let him win and gently fell back onto the bed with a huff and her inner devil purred at his caring nature "mate..ours...missed you..."  her inner devil felt like it was about to explode out of her control and it made her blush harder. She met his eyes again and gave an expectant tilt of her head causing him to look away slightly, she could see a very slight blush on his face. It was so weird to her to see him this way, he was usually cold and serious with almost no emotion, to see him acting suddenly so shy and gentle with her. Vergil looked back at her, still trying to find his words before sighing "Seara...as strange as this sounds I...I think I've fallen...in love with you," he sounded like an embarrassed kid and it made her chest tighten "it hurt me to see and hear you suffer...I grew afraid when I thought I was going to lose you...I wanted to save you, to protect you so badly. I've never felt this way before...so it's hard for me to express it." Seara could feel her eye's begin to water at his words and for a moment he looked worried, but when she reached out to him he leaned back to her. She threaded her fingers through his hair as her other hand gently traced his jawline "Vergil...I had been feeling the same way...my inner devil kept pushing me to tell you...even when you tried to stop me before..I should have listened to it...I never wanted you to suffer because of me."

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