Getting situated

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Harrys POV

   'She might've let you hold her hand in school but Imma show ya how to graduate!' I sing as I cook up a large breakfast, I invited my new colleagues/neighbors to get to know them better. Having already having my breakfast after I returned from my morning run I'll be sticking with tea but what host would I be if I didn't provide my guests some food. With my playlist playing through the built in speakers I dance around the kitchen as I make the array of different foods.

   A loud ding-dong was sounded by my front door alerting me of my guests arrival, shaking away my nerves I go to answer it. With our greeting at the crime scene the four of them made it clear that they weren't exactly happy to be working together with me but thats probably because they just don't know me, I'm sure their sour feelings about our partnership will be long gone by the end of breakfast. At least thats what I was hoping for as my fingers brushed the door knob, taking a deep breathe and placing a smile on my face I open the door. The four were dressed in causal clothes of a t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers each with a matching bored expression on their faces.

   'Good morning!' I chirp making extra sure to show off my dimples as most people go nuts over seeing them, yet they didn't seem fazed. I step aside letting the four of them in watching silently as they inspect my place which probably looks a lot different from their considering our different tastes and the amounts of plants I have. Each one gave a polite(ish) greeting back as I shut the door and changing the music from my playlist to a relaxing playlist. 'Breakfast is all set so if you boys want to go grab a seat in the dining room I'll be right there with breakfast!' finally Niall cracks a smile as I mentioned the food making me relax somewhat at the gesture.

   The four make there way into the dining room as I sped into the kitchen not wanting to keep them waiting. Making a large serving tray out of basil I pile the plates full of pancakes, waffles, syrup, eggs, sausages, bacon, hash browns, cinnamon buns, fresh squeezed orange juice, and toast. I felt like a waitress as I came out with the large tray, placing all the plates stacked with food in the center I take my seat at the table telling them to dig in. I could see their eyes light up a bit as they tasted my food making me hide my proud smile behind my mug of tea.

   Food is always the key to a mans heart as they enjoyed my breakfast they seemed to open up a bit, telling me a little bit about themselves. I was so happy to hear them talk of their friends and heroic accomplishments I felt I could have sat and listen to the four of them talk for hours. I could also watch their personalities come onto display making me enjoy the fact that they feel comfortable around me to do that. Liams serious yet is extremely kind, Louis sassy but also very caring towards his lovers, Nialls just a bundle of laughter, and Zayn is quiet but very passionate about certain things like the people he loves.

   I told them of my siblings and the four were utterly shocked as we were quite well known when we were younger. "Wait hold on one moment! You're telling us that you were apart of the elements!" Louis gasped as they tried to wrap their heads around it. I cant help but giggle at their reactions only nodding my head, of course at some point they would've found out I'm just glad it was from me and not someone else. I'm a triplet and the youngest, my other triplet brothers are Edward the oldest of us and Marcel the middle. The three of us have an older sister as well named Gemma, the four of us were a crime stopping super group when we were younger. 'Yep Gemma as Miss Whisper, Edward as Inferno, Marcel as Tidal wave, and myself as Orchid. Were all super close but my brothers started families and my sister moved wanting to be on her own. So thats why I came here and the rest is history.' I say taking away their dirty dishes to the kitchen leaving them still in their shocked positions.

   Maybe I should have waited to tell them...




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Hello World,

I hope you enjoy this story. This story will be solely in Harry's POV unless I say something so after this its solely Harrys story. What do you think so far? The chapters will all be in present tense as we are reliving the story as Harry tells it. What do you think of Harrys background? Should marvel ships cross into this book as well? If so what ships would you like to see? Should Ed and/or Marcel (Ed is straight, Marcel is gay) be paired with a marvel character? Feel free to follow me, vote, check out my other Z.H.C.MP stories, comment, or do all four!



living room:



dining room:

guest bedroom:

d.s. bathroom:

u.s. bathroom:


master bedroom:


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