"Alright Haz, your off training for the rest off the week!" Liam says as we walk towards my front door. I finally was released from the hospital after a stressful night of the boys hovering over me to make sure I was breathing. I roll my eyes at their concern as my doctor cleared me and gave me the go ahead to continue on with my job along with training. Biting back a snarky comment as I refuse to let me exhaustion get the better of me I smile politely giving them a quick nod.
Grabbing the key to my apartment I quickly open my door to hopefully collapse into my bed, but the two little pairs of arms that wrapped around my legs told me I wasn't getting a nap any time soon. "WELCOME HOME UNKLE HAWWY!" the pair shout as I enter my messily decorated apartment. Ed standing by the dining table where Elle was bring out a cake that said happy birthday on it. Marcel was asleep on the couch with a party hat delicately placed on his head and a second on placed on his very rounded stomach. Mom must have been out as i didn't see her anywhere.
Hung up on the wall was a long piece of roller paper with the girls scribbles on it as if they tried to spell welcome home on it, but instead just made curvy lines with pictures around the "words". 'Wow sunflowers! Did you two put together a welcome home party for me?' I asked crouching down to envelope the two in a proper hug. The two shake their head vigorously with proud smiles adorning their adorable faces. "Thats very sweet of you girls." Louis says from behind me as he bites back a chuckle at their adorableness. "Did you pick out everything yourselves?" Liam asked as he bites back his own smirk as he saw the cake, oblivious of the hilarity of the situation they nod proud of their party they created.
"Alright monsters time for a nap! Now that you've seen Uncle Harry your ready for your afternoon nap." Ed says swooping up his girls from my arms, picking the two up into his own in one seamless motion. Getting a wave goodnight from the two Ed whisks them to the room those guys are staying in. "Sorry about the cake we tried to get them to pick a different one but you know how those two are." Elle giggles as she gives me a hug as she wasn't really able to yesterday with me being in a hospital bed. I giggle as 'I completely get it, those two can be stubborn when they want to.' i say as we pull away from our hug.
A sharp snore from the couch pulled our attention to the pregnant boy who just scared himself awake. "Oh! Hi Hazza, your home." Marcel says after an elongated yawn, I giggle at his statement going over towards the couch to help him up. 'Hi Marcey, how about we get you to bed so you can have a proper nap?' I say already leading him to his room getting sleepily grumbles in response. "Hazzy I don't need a nap..." he grumbles as I lay him down on his bed giving him agreeing hums I easily tuck him into his bed. As soon as his head hit the pillow he was out like a light again. Giggle quietly to myself i leave his room making sure to shut the door behind me as I make my way back towards the living room.
"Hi baby, sorry I missed you coming home I was out doing a grocery run for tonights dinner." Mom says quickly enclosing me into a tight bear hug. 'Mom... can't... breath' I say as she squeezes the life out of me, I should have choose a better phrase as that immediately sent everyone in the room into a panic. "I knew the hospital should have kept you for longer!"(Li) "I call doing mouth to mouth!"(Lou) "We need to get back to the hospital"(Z) "I can get us back there in two seconds!"(Ni) the boys quickly panic as my mom lets go, to which i'm instantly scooped up into Nialls arms.
'No! NO! I can breathe! Put me down!' I all but scream as I don't want to wake up the ones napping. The four gave me a puzzled look as Niall set me gently back down onto my feet, 'Sorry used the wrong expression. Should've just said you were hugging to tight mom.' I apologize watching as a wave of relief fall over the boys, my mom, and Elle. "You almost gave us a heart attack!" Liam says clutching his chest dramatically as he placed a chaste kiss to my temple.
Hello World,
I hope you enjoy this story. Thought it would be nice to write a fun filler chapter, next one will be longer. I love Olivia and Amelia! This story will be solely in Harry's POV unless I say something, this is solely Harrys story. What do you think so far? The chapters will all be in present tense as we are reliving the story as Harry tells it. Should marvel ships cross into this book as well? If so what ships would you like to see? Feel free to follow me, vote, check out my other Z.H.C.MP stories, comment, or do all four!

Fanfiction(Zianourry relationship, Harry centric) One the power of plants, one the ability of super speed, one the ability of telekinesis, one the ability of invisibility, one the power of super strength. Together they can easily defeat crime but can they mak...