Hospital Visits

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   "Alright Mr. Styles, I'm going to keep you here over night for observations as you did inhale a lot of smoke when you entered the building. Not to mention triggering you to go into an asthma attack." Doctor Nelson says as she walks into my hospital room I was admitted to. "I'm going to call in a nurse to come patch up your wounds, you need to keep the oxygen mask on." she says as she checks over my vitals to see that I'm perfectly healthy. Giving her my dimpled smile I hold up both of my thumbs as last time I tried talking I almost coughed up a lung.

   Honestly it was quite a scare to have an asthma attack when I haven't had one in years, but every once in a while when an emergency like this pops up it always triggers it. As soon as Doctor Nelson left the room a tall slim lad with dark hair walked in carrying a tray of bandages, tools, and disinfectants. "Hello I'm Dan, I'm going to be fixing you up Mr. Hero!" Dan chirps as he walks in with a splitting grin on his features. 'No need for mister hero, Harry is just fine.' I giggle at his comment as that nickname was surprisingly a first for me. Dan got quick to work and telling me all the hospital staff drama as I needed a distraction from the stinging feeling of the disinfectant being appealed on my wounds. 

   "And then Sam was like I swear if you ever put me in charge of that patient again I will file a complaint to the chief of staff, and you wanna know what our bitch of a head for the nurses did. SHE PUT THAT PATIENT ON HER ROUNDS FOR THE ENTIRE WEEK!" Dan says making me gasp as this patient definitely sounded like they were challenging. 'I hope Sam filed a compliant because if she didn't then I will!' I say as Dan wrapped the last bandage around my torso. "Don't worry she did and thankfully they fired that bitch! Right now your talking to the head nurse." He states confidently, I of course congratulate him just before the sound of a door slamming open halted our conversation.

   "HAVE YOU GONE NUTS?!" (Ed) "Oh my sweet boy are you alright?!" (mom) "WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL FOR BACK UP?!" (Louis) "We're a team we're supposed to do this kind of stuff together?!" (Liam) "Thank God your alright!" (Niall) "I will kill you if you do something that reckless again!" (Marcel) "Jeez Hazza... not going to lie I expected you to look worst." (Zayn) They all speak one over the other as they all sprint into my room getting some yells from the nursing staff. I let my ears ring for a moment before I try to tackle any of their questions. "I'll leave you be, rest up Haz!" Dan said quickly leaving the room to my family and the boys, as he left he got a nasty glare from the four boys as they definitely didn't appreciate a "random" guy call me buy my nickname.

   'To answer all of your questions, Ed no I was doing my job. Mom I'm completely fine, just had a bit of an asthma attack due to the smoke I inhaled but Doctor Nelson told me I'm perfectly fine. Lou I didn't have time to call back up, I needed to get the civilians out which I did. Li yes we are a team but sometimes in dire situations its okay to go solo, only if you know you can handle it. Ni I'm glad I'm alright too. Marcey I'd like to see you try, bish. And honestly Zaynie I thought I was going to look a lot worse as well. Any more questions I can answer!' I say having to adjust my oxygen mask as it moved while I was talking. They shake their heads no as I relax into the pillows, the boys quickly coming to my right side while Niall takes my hand in his. 

   "Uh Haz..." Ed says after a moment of peaceful silence, I open an eye and quirk my eyebrow to let him know I'm listening. "Well I've got a bit of a surprise for you, was going to show you the surprise when you got home from your run but... yeah." he says going towards the door making me even more curious as to what this surprise could be, and why does he even have a surprise for me? "UNKLE HAWWY!!!!" I hear to little voice squeal as soon as he opens the door, completely shocked at the fact it was my adorable nieces Amelia and Olivia standing in the doorway along with their mother and my amazing sister in law Elle. 

   I couldn't help the smile that stung onto my face as soon as the two squealed my name, rushing towards me. Its a miracle they didn't trip over their own tiny feet as their not the most graceful two year olds but their adorable none the less. The two climb onto Niall and Louis lap completely ignoring them as they use them as a latter to crawl onto my bed. "Wes missed you Unkle Hawwy!" The two say as they wrap me in a tight hug, giggling at their sweetness I hug back just as hard. 'I've missed you too my sunflowers!' I say pulling away from the two, smiling brightly at them as they smiled brightly back at me. Of course with their short attention spans the focus quickly leaves me and focuses on the four boys. "Who are d'ay Unkle Hawwy?" Amelia tried to whisper but failed as everyone in the room, including the boys she was inquiring about heard her. Before I could answer Liam cut me off,

   "We're Uncle Harrys boyfriends."

Hello World,

I hope you enjoy this story. We finally found out what Ed's twins Amelia and Olivias secret was! This story will be solely in Harry's POV unless I say something, this is solely Harrys story. What do you think so far? The chapters will all be in present tense as we are reliving the story as Harry tells it. Should marvel ships cross into this book as well? If so what ships would you like to see? Feel free to follow me, vote, check out my other Z.H.C.MP stories, comment, or do all four!

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