Stuckony Babies Incoming!

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   'Steve are you alright? You look uncomfortable.' I ask reaching my hand out to take a hold of his only noticing then how sweaty and clammy they are. Letting out a humorless laugh he looked at me "Remember when you said along the lines that it was a good thing this didn't trigger my labor to start?" he asked, my eyes widen in realization and shock as I already know what he's about to say. "Well it actually did, I've been having contractions for two hours now."

   "WAIT! UNCLE STEVE HAD HIS BABIES ON THE COUCH?!" Iris screams "EWWW! Thats gross Mama!" Violet shouts as they both scrunch up their noses in disgust. I couldn't hold back my giggle no matter how hard I tried. Luckily the boys broke before I did so they took most of the heat from the girls. 'No rosebuds, Uncle Steve didn't have your cousins on the couch." I start to explain only to have Louis cut me off. "It was a close one girlies and one that made me truly understand how scary your Uncle Steve can be." of course their attention turns back to me with big hopeful eyes staring up at me silently begging me to continue the story so they can understand what their Daddy is talking about. 'Well...'

   "Fuck!" Tony shouts "Shit!" Bucky says as the two hold onto their husband's hands taking on the super soldiers crushing grip. "Language" Steve snips as a contraction rolls threw him, breathing deeply in and out as he waits for it to pass. Half a minute passes before he drops laxed onto the the couch. 'Steve how long have you been having contractions?' I ask calmly while everyone was in a tizzy trying to get ready for Steve to have these babies. "Since around midnight? I thought they were Braxton Hicks but they kept getting stronger and stronger." he explains while Liam rings for an ambulance. "Have your waters broken yet?" Marcel asks while barking out orders to the others, having gone threw this not so long ago he's currently the one with the most experience. Looking at me and Marcel with terror swimming in his ocean blue eyes he shakes his head no.

   "Alright, thats okay. How far apart are your contractions?" Marcel asks and just as he was about to answer a groan escaped his lips while he grabbed tightly onto his husbands hands once again. 'Okay so about seven minutes apart.' I say more to myself than anyone in particular, "The ambulance is on its way. The lady said it would take 10 minutes tops." Liam says coming back from around the corner with Mom carrying in a wash cloth behind him. "Here sweetheart, put this on your forehead. It will keep you cool, would you like some water as well?" she asks softly as she gave the cloth to Bucky.

   It took a full forty-five seconds until the contraction stopped and Steve could catch his breath once again. "Need my bag." he says as he leans back into the couch with his eyes closed. "Tony go get it, I'll stay with Steve." Bucky suggested (more like commanded) as he placed the cool cloth onto Steves head. "Uh, no! How about you run home and get the bag while I stay here with Steve." Tony sassed, gently grabbing Steve by his shoulders and maneuvering him into his lap. "No way! You could get there faster cause you can fly." Bucky comes back taking Steve out of Tony's lap and putting him in his own, lightly giving his shoulders a massage. Arguing the entire time they end up passing Steve back and forth between them while trying to get the other to go get the hospital. On the fourth pass between them Steve finally snapped.

   "ENOUGH! I don't care which one of you gets the bag but stop freaking throwing me around like some rag doll! Somebody needs to get it and get it soon! Or so help me I will castrate you both with my bare hands!" Steve screams as another pain full looking contraction rips through him. "You boys better hurry, his contractions are six minutes apart now." Marcel quips, they look at each other for a minute before shouting "I'll get it!" while pushing each other out of the way as they race out of the apartment. "Paramedics should be here any minute Steve." Elle says comfortably rubbing his back as he breathes threw the contraction. As soon as the contraction passed a strong knock was pounded on the door. Ed quickly opened it for the paramedics, watching as they raced by him with a gurney and straight over to Steve. In no time at all he was on the gurney and out the door with all of us behind him racing towards the hospital.

   From there it all became a blur of screams, some choice words, breaking objects, and fluids. Maybe they'll hear the whole story from there uncles when they're older but for now...

   'Oh my little rosebuds your Daddy is just being silly. Uncle Steve just told us it was time to go to the hospital because the babies were ready. We all drove over and waited while the doctors were helping your uncles. Soon enough we were asked to come into the room your uncle Steve had to stay in, right as we entered your uncles introduced us to your cousins Morgan and Peggy.'

Hello World,

I hope you enjoy this story. This story will be solely in Harry's POV from now on unless I say something, this is solely Harrys story. Men in this story are pregnant for 10 months while women are only pregnant for 9. The chapters will all be in present tense as we are reliving the story as Harry tells it. Marvels crossing over! Do you like I choose Stuckony? I honestly prefer stony or stucky but I read a stuckony fanfic the other day so I had to write about it. Harrys nephew Wade is not going to be Deadpool. Feel free to follow me, vote, check out my other Z.H.C.MP stories, comment, or do all four!

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