A harsh kick to my side rolled me off the bed as I woke up with a hard thump as I landed on my back. 'OWW!' I whine as I peak my head over the bed to see my brothers still sound asleep. Letting out a humph I grab Eds foot and yanked him off the bed which also woke Marcel up as he was using Eds torso as a pillow. "What the hell Harry?!" Ed grumbles as he sits up while rubbing the ruminates of sleep from his eyes. 'If I have to be waken up in a harsh way you two have to be woken up in a harsh way too!' I grumble as I climb off the floor and get ready for my day while my brothers return to my bed and drift off into sleep once again.
Coming out from the bathroom I change into my workout clothes and white sneakers, making sure my hair is secured in my ponytail I quietly leave my apartment to head out on my five o'clock run as sparring with the boys isn't until eight. I start my timer on my Apple Watch once I get to my starting place, Letchworth Park. Popping my earbuds in my ears I blast my workout playlist as that always helps me stay motivated on my runs. I'm only a quarter way into my run before I heard a scream. Stopping my watch and moving run, I sprint towards the screams which got louder as I became closer to the source. Arriving at the scene I was taken aback at the burning building as black smoke billowed from every broken window I look around the building to see if any residents made it out only to realize that no residents had made it out.
Growing a quick mask as I obviously don't have time to change into my suit I race towards the building, grabbing a dead vine from the screeching building I heal it before placing it on the ground where I make it grow into a giant stalk that stretches up to the top of the large building. Growing multiple branches from the vine I manipulate them to go into each window to help grab anyone stranded. One by one the beaches recoiled from out of the windows each with groups of people attached to it, lowering them safely to the ground. Soon everyone was out of the burning building that looked like it was ready to collapse at any moment. Helping some of the more injured people into the ambulances I heard a young women scream "WHERES MY SON!" which got out a distressed "MOMMY!" from the wobbling building.
Without a moment to spare I race into the flaming building making sure to grab a piece of vine as I sprinted in. The halls were covered in black smog as pieces of ceiling started to fall, I didn't have much time before this building was going down. Harsh coughing came from the room on my left, with my eyes and lungs burning I push through the ruble and into the room to see a terrified looking boy who must not have even been three. 'Hey bud... I'm Orchid... whats your name' I say in between coughs as the last thing I want is for the boy to run away from me because he's scared. "T-Tommy" he cried breaking my heart as this poor little one must be terrified. 'Thats a great name bud...I'm gonna need ya to do me a favor... can you come over to me?' I could barely see him nod through the smoke but the little arms wrapped around my legs let me know he listened.
'Good job Tommy! Now I need you to squeeze my legs super tight, okay? There are going to be some super loud noises okay but as long as you hold onto me we'll be okay... ready?' his grip got tighter around my legs letting me know he was. Grabbing the dead vine I revive it and strengthen it before growing a dome around the two of us, with my enhancement to the plant the vine is as good as steel. Hearing a loud final crack I wrap mu entire body around the boy as the building came crumbling down upon us. It was silent once the burning building had settled into burnt ruble on the ground, slowly I unwrap myself from the small boy and place him into my arms.
Looking up to the center of the dome I flick my wrist causing the dome to rise into a cylinder that broke through all the ruble allowing the two of us a passage way out. I notice a leaf that steamed from the vine, growing it to a large size I sit the two of us upon it before rising us to the top and into the fresh air. Cheers and applause echoed from the city as the little boy and I rose up, his mother racing towards her son which he happily ran to. I smiled at the cameras and reporters that were all pointed at me as I descend from the pile of ruble. I become a bit dizzy from the flashing lights as well as all the smoke I had just inhaled, I grab my head and stumble a bit causing panic to ensue. A group of EMT's raced to me with a stretcher and placed me upon it while hooking me up to multiple machines on our way back to the ambulance.
This is going to be a long day...
Hello World,
I hope you enjoy this story! What is Ed's twins Amelia and Olivias secret? This story will be solely in Harry's POV unless I say something, this is solely Harrys story. What do you think so far? The chapters will all be in present tense as we are reliving the story as Harry tells it. Should marvel ships cross into this book as well? If so what ships would you like to see? Feel free to follow me, vote, check out my other Z.H.C.MP stories, comment, or do all four!
Workout Outfit: https://aboutyogablog.com/yoga-clothes-cute-workout-outfit/

Fiksi Penggemar(Zianourry relationship, Harry centric) One the power of plants, one the ability of super speed, one the ability of telekinesis, one the ability of invisibility, one the power of super strength. Together they can easily defeat crime but can they mak...