Unexpected Visitors (part 2)

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   It was only mere moments after Marcey informed me that Mom and Gemma were on there way too for my door to be pounded on once again. Answering it I fell to the floor with my sister on top of me nearly hugging the life out of me as she rambles questions for me to answer. Im so thankful for my mother as she quickly intervened and got Gemma off me while Ed helped me back to my feet. "Jeez Gem, lets not give Haz a concussion like last time you were worried about him." Ed says as he hugs our sister in greeting as well as our Mom. "Not my fault he's such a klutz." she grumbled as she made her way towards Marcel who was stuck on the couch.

   "Now why did I have to hear from my boys that my baby was panicking instead of hearing it from himself?" my mother asked as she sat next to Marcel on the couch. 'Because I wasn't panicked, I was merely... busy! Maybe Marceys hormones got the better of him and he misinterpreted my emotions.' I stumble through a the lie as I've never been good at using them. My family all raised their eyebrows at me unamused as they all know me better than anyone. "Hey I'm the only one who gets to blame stuff on my hormones." Marcel quips defensively as recrossed his arms on top of his large bump. "Well his boyfriends were over this morning..." Ed added smirking as he did making me want to punch him.

   "WHAT?!" Gemma and my Mom shout as smiles broke out onto their faces. "Yeah he's even going out on a date with them later tonight." Marcel said with the same look on his face as our brother. "Where are you going for your date?" Gemma asked as she patted the seat next to her for me to come to sit. 'Well they said they were going to take me out to some high end club.' I mumble becoming uncomfortable as all of their attentions were on me. "That sounds fun Hazza but what are you going to wear?" Marcel asked making the realization dawn on me that I have no clue what I should wear. 'I don't know...' before I could even finish my sentence Gemma bounced off the couch and lifted Marcel up with her. "Sounds like you need your fairy godmothers!" Gemma squeals as the two run or in Marcels case speed waddle down to my room to browse through looking for options.

   Ed and our Mom stay in my living room chuckling at Gemma and Marcels excitement. Running to my room after them I can already tell its going to become a pigsty as clothes were being thrown out of my room. I caught a shirt in my face as I entered the door frame of my room as the two dug around my closets. I didn't even have time to take the shirt off my face before I was blindly dragged into my room and sat on my bed. Ripping the shirt from my face I can already see half of my wardrobe on the floor and the other half scattered in my closet. "Perfect timing! Take this, this, and this then come out so we can decide what looks best." Marcel informs me as he shoves me into the ensuite attached to my room. Their choices were hard to pick from but we all settled on a crop top and pencil skirt combination.

 Their choices were hard to pick from but we all settled on a crop top and pencil skirt combination

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Harry's makeup

Harry's makeup

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Harrys outfit

Harrys hairstyle

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Harrys hairstyle

   Just as Gemma was putting on the final touches of my makeup Ed knocked on my door asking if he could come in. Given my permission he entered along with his phone screen facing towards him, hearing the small giggles come from his phone I knew exactly who was on the other end. 'MY SUNFLOWERS!' I yell at the same time they yell "UNKLE HAWWY!" as I take my brothers phone so I could see my two gorgeous nieces Olivia and Amelia. Olivia and Amelia are Ed's little girls who I just love to bits! They are a set of twins and just recently had their second birthday which I was astatic to be able to attend as their was no crime in need of stopping that day.

   "Unkie Hawwy you wook boutiful!" Amelia exclaims after they say hi to Marcel and Gemma as their behind me fixing up my hair. "You wook wike a model!" Olivia says making me giggle as she obviously learned that line from Ed as he's always complimenting Elle. 'Thank you darlings! Have you been having fun with your mommy?' I ask them getting them to bounce around happily so I'll take it as a yes. "Mmmhmm! Wes even gots a suprise for you..." Amelia announces as Olivia nods her head. 'Oh and what may that be?' I pry knowing fully well they're only two and cant keep secrets for long. "Nots telling you Unkle Hawwy." they state giggling as they cross their arms. 'Well..' I didn't even have time to finish as I could hear my mom answering my front door and calling my name. 'Sunflowers I have to run but I'll talk to you both soon alright? I love you bye bye!' I say quickly shoving Ed back his phone and racing back out towards the entrance where the boys are waiting. I couldn't help but blush as they stare at me admiring, all they could say was...


Hello World,

I hope you enjoy this story. This story will be solely in Harry's POV unless I say something so after this its solely Harrys story. What do you think so far? The chapters will all be in present tense as we are reliving the story as Harry tells it. Anne and Gemma are here! Should marvel ships cross into this book as well? If so what ships would you like to see? What is the twins secret? Feel free to follow me, vote, check out my other Z.H.C.MP stories, comment, or do all four!


H's makeup: https://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=AwrExlQJnrZgzW8AA_ujzbkF;_ylu=c2VjA2ZwLWF0dHJpYgRzbGsDcnVybA--/RV=2/RE=1622609545/RO=11/RU=https%3a%2f%2fwww.youtube.com%2fwatch%3fv%3dwsoIS-lVYZw/RK=2/RS=qUG4jwl.LfFaLjWqAUGnar80IzM-

H's outfit: http://www.stylesweekly.com/10-beautiful-outfits-girls-night/

H's hairstyle: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/3HOu4Nptc3A/maxresdefault.jpg

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