'Thank you guys for this definitely one of a kind date.' I giggle as we stand outside the door to my apartment. "Yeah maybe next time we can take down a villain terrorizing the streets." Louis chuckles as taking down some lower level criminals trying to rob a bank wasn't their idea of a date night. 'Who says there will even be a next time.' I tease flirtatiously as I pop my hip out to the side. "Well Harry also known as the incredible Orchid, would you make us incredibly happy by allowing us to take you on a second date?" Zayn asks taking my hand in his and placing a small kiss upon it.
I could feel the heat rise up to my face at the romantic gesture 'Alright! Tuesday eight o'clock sharp and don't be late.' I smile and wink before unlocking my door to step inside. Once my door is shut I could hear them cheer making me giggle at their adorableness. The fondness doesn't last long as I nearly jump a mile as I just realized Marcel was standing behind me with Ed. 'Don't do that!' I whine after taking a moment to calm my beating heart only getting them to laugh at me.
"So I take it the date went well?" Ed asks as the two follow me to my room, Mom must be asleep already as the guest room she's staying in door is closed and Gemma must have left. 'It did' I say as I walk into my ensuite the two standing in the door frame watching me as I remove my makeup. "So that wasn't you five on the TV taking down some L.L.C.'s on the news?" Marcel asks arching his eyebrow at me. 'No, it was' I say pushing past my triplets and walking towards my closet which thankfully was restored after hurricane Gemma and Marcel. "Well?" (Ed) "Don't we get any details?" (Marcel) the two ask in a huff looking at me unamused by my short answers.
'Nope!' I say as I change into my pajamas getting Marcel to plop down onto my bed with his arms crossed as he give me a glare. Ed just tries to hold back his laugh at our brother because no matter how hard he tries Marcel doesn't look intimidating, but Ed doesn't want to face his hormonal rathe so he keeps his chuckles silent. 'Alright sour pants enough with the pout.' I giggle as I climb into my bed and grab the book I'm currently reading off my bedside table.
"Your nephew is kicking me now thanks to you two." he grumbles at Ed and I only for us to share a look of confusion with each other. "How is he kicking you our fault?" Ed asked at the interesting statement. "I'm riled up which gets him riled up and I'm riled up because of you two." Marcel states crossing his arms on top of his bump. No longer having an interest in my book I set it aside to give my brother my entire focus. 'Okay I get why I got you "riled up" but how did Ed?" I ask amused by my pregnant brother, I know I shouldn't find it fun to piss him off right now... but I do.
"HE ate the last pickle in the your last pickle jar!" Marcel says emphasizing the word he as he points at Ed. Ed groans as they probably already had a discussion about said pickle before I came home from my date with the boys. Unable to help myself I burst into a fit of giggles at his prosperous reasoning. My laughter wasn't taken well as I soon received a pillow to the face. "Its not funny!" he whines hitting me with the pillow until I get control over my laughter. 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry I shouldn't laugh... I should be beating up Ed for taking your last pickle!' I say grabbing the pillow from behind my head to beat him with. It wasn't long before Ed started to fight back with his own pillow as Marcel cheers for me from the safety of my bed.
Soon the three of us burst into laughter at our own stupidity.
Hello World,
I hope you enjoy this story. Sorry it was short, the next one will be long I promise! This story will be solely in Harry's POV unless I say something, this is solely Harrys story. What do you think so far? The chapters will all be in present tense as we are reliving the story as Harry tells it. Should marvel ships cross into this book as well? If so what ships would you like to see? What is Ed's twins Amelia and Olivias secret? Feel free to follow me, vote, check out my other Z.H.C.MP stories, comment, or do all four!

Fanfiction(Zianourry relationship, Harry centric) One the power of plants, one the ability of super speed, one the ability of telekinesis, one the ability of invisibility, one the power of super strength. Together they can easily defeat crime but can they mak...