2 years

511 15 2

Harry's POV

   I woke up like I have been these past couple of weeks, in the need to empty my stomach I sprint to the ensuite. Sighing quietly I was hoping whatever this sickness was would've passed by today as it's our two year anniversary. The boys haven't told me what we're doing to celebrate but I know they their planning something as I can tell their hiding something from me. Maybe they're taking me on a trip to Italy or maybe we're going to a high end restaurant with a violinist to serenade us. Whatever their planning I need to get this bug sorted out so I can relish the night and that I'm with my loves. 

   Luckily I'm able to squeeze an appointment in thanks to Dan as we've become close friends of mine, I've met his wonderful Husband Phil along with their adorable little girl they named Elena. "There's my favorite patient!" Dan says as I walk towards the nurses desk with a queasy feeling swirling around in my stomach. I only nod at him as I fear that as soon as I open my mouth to speak I'll get sick. "Alright come with me, its a good thing you called when you did or else I would've had to tell you I couldn't check you out for another month." Dan says making small talk as I hop up onto the examination bed.

   "Alright bud we're going to run through some tests just to rule out some possibilities on what could be going on with you. First I'm gonna draw some of your blood then have you pee in a cup, some super fun stuff I know." he chuckles as he gets out everything he needs for taking my blood. A pinch and a piss later we talk more in depth about my symptoms while we wait on the samples to be done.  "Alright Haz your results are back, your tests came back negative for everything except one. The one for testing the hormone of HGC otherwise known as the.." 'Pregnancy hormone...' I say cutting him off as I try to wrap my head around this new revelation. 

   "Your pregnant Hazza, are you okay? I know this must be a bit of a shock and if you'd like to discuss your options I'm happy to do so..." 'I'm keeping my baby Dan! Yes, its a bit of a shock but honestly I'm so excited! I've got a little one inside of me thats made from the love that the boys and I share for each other. I already love my little baby so much I couldn't possibly think of my life without them in it.' I say placing a hand on top of my still very flat and muscular abdomen smiling down at my tummy as I do so. "I'm glad to hear it Haz, how about we give you an ultra sound to see how far along you are?" he asks a smile of his own dancing on his lips at my reaction to my wonderful news. I nod my head vigorously getting him to chuckle as he leads me to another room with an ultrasound machine in the corner of it.

   Waiting patiently in the room I rub soothing circles on my tummy while he goes to make a call. Luckily I didn't have to wait to long as soon a doctor  with long blonde hair walked in with Dan walking in right behind her. "Hello I'm doctor Perrie Edwards but please just call me Perrie, I heard from Dan over here that you just found out you were expecting?" Perrie says smiling kindly helping my nerves settle a little. I nod and she takes that as her cue to continue "Well then Lets check to see how far along you are." she says taking the machine and rolling it over towards the examination table, the gel was quite warm when she squirted it onto my abdomen to help move the wand. 

  "Well Harry your in for some surprises today as not only are you expecting a baby you are expecting two, congratulations your expecting twins!" Perrie says after a moment I couldn't help but burst into joyful tears, assuring the two medical professionals that these are happy tears Perrie continues to inform me that I've only just hit my three month mark today. Making sure to have lots of photos printed for the boys, myself, and my family I book my next appointment before rushing out the door to go tell the boys. 

   I nearly break down the front door after knocking on it for over five minutes, taking my spare key I decide to spare the door. 'BOYS!' I yell into the empty penthouse getting no response, an idea popped into my head of cooking a grad meal to surprise them with our news. Only to be stopped by an note placed delicately on the table along with a white rose. Admiring the rose for a moment I quickly pick up the note, my joyous mood falls as fast as I read through it.

   This is what I get on our anniversary, a shitting note saying they were assigned to some mission. Note saying that they love me but cant contact me nor can I contact them. A note saying they don't know how long they'll be gone for but they'll be back at some point. With a rose saying that they hope they'll be forgive for having to leave on our day and not bring it up to me sooner. This was not what I was expecting for today, an unexpected pregnancy with twins with out the fathers present for no one knows how long what a great gift...

   Happy two fucking years to me!

Hello World,

I hope you enjoy this story. Were you expecting such a time jump or the pregnancy or the boys sudden disappearance. This story will be solely in Harry's POV from now on unless I say something, this is solely Harrys story. Men in this story are pregnant for 10 months while women are only pregnant for 9. What do you think so far? The chapters will all be in present tense as we are reliving the story as Harry tells it. Should marvel ships cross into this book as well? If so what ships would you like to see? Feel free to follow me, vote, check out my other Z.H.C.MP stories, comment, or do all four!

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