Harrys POV
"Mama, this is getting boring!" my eldest daughter said as she flopped onto her papas legs. "Yeah..." her younger twin joined in crossing her arms. I couldn't help but giggle at my girls as they're being spitting images of their papa and daddy. 'We'll I'm sorry my darlings, how can I make my story less boring?' I ask ruffling their hair. They both whine and swat my hands away hating it whenever someone or something messes up their hair. "Talk about when Daddy, Papa, Poppy, and Dad came home." My younger daughter says bouncing up to her knees. "Yeah we know enough about the story to have them return." my eldest says doing the same thing as her sister did. I could see the look of dread appear on my husbands faces as they realize we cant stall any longer, smiling gently I snuggle in with m girls 'Alright my rosebuds, well that day I had an appointment first...'
"Hello Harry how are you?" Perrie asks as she enters the room with charts in her hands prosumably about me. 'I'm great Perrie and so are the girls!" I say wiggling back on the table to get some what more comfortable. "Thats what I like to hear! Your blood work is looking great as well as your urine sample. Now let's take a look at your babies and then we can go over your birthing plan afterwards." She says smiling brightly as she pulls over her chair and sets up the machine. I make sure to record their heartbeat as its recently become the only thing that can calm me down as well as get enough pictures for everyone and myself.
"Your daughters are looking perfect, their in the right percentage for everything and their heartbeats are nice and strong." Perrie says as she turns on the lights and pushes the ultrasound machine over. Helping me sit up once again she takes her seat and grabs my chart "Now Harry what are we thinking? How do you want to bring your girls into this world?" she asks. 'I'd like to have them at home if thats alright.' I say shyly as I place my hand over where my girls are kicking. Perrie places her hand on my knee making me look up from my bump and at her "Thats perfectly fine Harry. You'll just need to give me a call when your contractions are thirty minutes apart and I'll be right over." she says smiling gently, returning her smile we go over a few more details before I leave the clinic and head home.
I sigh in relief as I kick off my slip on shoes, thankful to just be home from my eighth month check up and not working like I originally planned to. As soon as Max and Benji knew I had an appointment today the immediately took me off the schedule and gave me the day off. I'm so relieved that both of my girls are doing well, I'm also relieved that I'm now able to get out of these jeans, maternity comfort guaranteed my butt. My bulging stomach leads the way as I make it to my room, laying down on the bed I slowly but surely get off the pants I cant wait to burn. Becoming practically exhausted by getting out of the infuriating outerwear I decided to just strip to my underwear and not bother with putting on another pair of pants.
With no one home and with no guest to be expected I have a right to walk around my own apartment in my undies if I wish to. After hoisting my self up and catching my breath I walk, oh who am I kidding I waddle like a duckling, I waddle out of my room and into the kitchen. It only took a moment of me being in the kitchen before I get hit with the strongest craving. Quickly I start looking around for my mayo I so desperately needed for my chocolate dipped pickles I had made the night before.
I was so focused on my task I didn't hear the lock on my front door clicked unlocked until the security alarm beeped. I instantly become aware of my surroundings and prepare to attack whatever decided to break into my house. With every room having a plant inside it I take control and contort each plant to my needs as I work all the way to the main entrance. I could hear quiet footsteps being taken after the alarm was disabled, with out a second thought I use the vines from the rose bush inside and quickly capture my intruders in a thorny cage. I hear grunts that sound some what familiar but I ignore them as the only thought I have is to protect my girls, my babies.
For extra measure I entangle poison ivy in the cage making sure these intruders won't try to break free. Sighing quietly I place a hand on my tummy trying to silently comfort my girls frantic kicks, without a moment to waste I round the corner to go see what I've caught. With my guard up and my hand protecting my girls I was ready to face my intruders. However as I rounded the corner to see what I've caught I was taken-aback. I was expecting the worst, burglars, some villain, a rabid beast anything from what I actually got.
Hello World,
I hope you enjoy this story. This story will be solely in Harry's POV from now on unless I say something, this is solely Harrys story. Men in this story are pregnant for 10 months while women are only pregnant for 9. What do you think so far? The boys have finally returned! Harrys having little girls! Please comment down some names as I'd love suggestions! The chapters will all be in present tense as we are reliving the story as Harry tells it. Marvels crossing over! Do you like I choose Stuckony? I honestly prefer stony or stucky but I read a stuckony fanfic the other day so I had to write about it. Harrys nephew Wade is not going to be Deadpool. Feel free to follow me, vote, check out my other Z.H.C.MP stories, comment, or do all four!

Fanfiction(Zianourry relationship, Harry centric) One the power of plants, one the ability of super speed, one the ability of telekinesis, one the ability of invisibility, one the power of super strength. Together they can easily defeat crime but can they mak...