(Zianourry relationship, Harry centric)
One the power of plants, one the ability of super speed, one the ability of telekinesis, one the ability of invisibility, one the power of super strength. Together they can easily defeat crime but can they mak...
They're here, they're truly here. Im not dreaming of them walking through the door for the millionth night in a room, nor am I dreaming of my siblings on their way to murder them. As I waddle into the room I see all four of the boys pinned against the wall by my siblings while the lot of them yell at one and other. I made it just in time for the boys to shatter my heart into pieces. "We don't even know if it's ours." Niall gasped as Ed held him by his throat, I let out a gasp. I become so overwhelmed with my whirling thoughts I tried to calm my breathing as everything started to get hazy.
Quickly blinking the fog from my eyes as I cannot faint, I grab the side of the door and look up just in time to see Ed punch Niall in the guts causing a low grunt from him. Gripping the wall tighter I mutter out a quiet 'stop' barely above a whisper but that was all the energy I could muster. My siblings looked back at me so fast one would have thought they got whiplash. "Harry, amazing baby brother, go sit down please. You look as if you're going to faint and we've got some people to deal with." Gemma says as her grip on Liam and Zayn seems to get tighter.
'No, no fighting will be done in this apartment. We are going to settle this like grown ups and out of my bedroom.' I say as I push myself off the door having passed the dizzy spell I stand tall. Slowly my siblings let the boys down and off the wall only to put an arm lock on all four of them and guide them to my living room. Shoving them a bit rougher then what was necessary my siblings stand behind the couch the boys are on while I sit on the seat across from them. Awkwardly I stare down at my hands as even though I've dreamt of this moment thousands upon thousands of times Im left speechless as none of them had gone like this.
"Harry..." Liam tries to start up the conversation only for it to die when he looks back down at my stomach. 'They're yours' I say placing a hand protectively over my girls because even if they're related to the boys by genetics they will always be my girls, and I will do anything for my girls. I look up watching them silently as I see the wheels turning in their heads before a realization struck them. "They're? As in more than one?" Louis asks as his eyes frantically search my face and bump. "Yeah dumbass, he's having twins." Ed practically snarled while Marcel stared daggers in the backs of their heads.
"Wow" was all the four of them could mutter completely shocked at the revelation. "I cant believe you horrid men would ever accuse Harry of cheating on you. He's loved you boys since day one and for you to so casually say that really shows how little you think of him." Marcel growled holding up Amelias bat ready to start swinging only to have it caught by Gemma as she knew now was definitely not the time to go swinging. "Harry that would mean you're about eight months in, why didn't you contact us? We would have left the mission in an instant." Zayn asked as he rested his hands on his knees.
'I wasn't allowed to, James told me I couldn't and I thought that was your guys way of ending things. I mean you could have left me a freaking note or told me about it instead of disappearing not only out of nowhere but also on our anniversary.' wiping the tears off my cheeks as fast as they come down I explain, watching as their faces turned soft with sorrow. "Sunshine, we're so sorry. We were informed that day and had to leave immediately James said he was going to contact you and explain everything. He told us he was going to give you a number to reach us but you never did, now I guess we know why." Niall says with rage storming in his eyes, as are the others.
"We're thrilled about your pregnancy, honestly darling. We were just frightened that maybe the reason why you didn't call was because you found someone else. I mean with someone as gorgeous as you it's hard to imagine you'd settle for guys like us." Liam explained making tears build up in my eyes once again as things are starting to make more sense now that we're able to talk."Please forgive us love, we've missed you terribly and have hoped that you'd still be ours when we returned." Zayn says slipping from the couch to get onto his knees in front of me, the other three do the same.
Nodding my head I let the tears fall as I wrap them tightly (or as tightly as I could with such a bump) in a hug as they place kisses all over my face and bump. Composing myself I gesture to my belly to give them a proper introduction. "Loving boyfriends of mine I'd like you to meet our daughters, Iris Storm and Violet Rayne Styles. Girls I'd like you to meet your Dad, Papa, Pops, and Dada." I say as I take their hands and place it on my bump to let them feel the girls kick. This may not be how I dreamt our reunion would go, but I couldn't be happier.
Now it's just me, my girls, and my boys.
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Hello World,
I hope you enjoy this story. This story will be solely in Harry's POV from now on unless I say something, this is solely Harrys story. Men in this story are pregnant for 10 months while women are only pregnant for 9. What do you think so far? The boys have finally returned! Harrys having little girls! The chapters will all be in present tense as we are reliving the story as Harry tells it. Marvels crossing over! Do you like I choose Stuckony? I honestly prefer stony or stucky but I read a stuckony fanfic the other day so I had to write about it. Harrys nephew Wade is not going to be Deadpool. Feel free to follow me, vote, check out my other Z.H.C.MP stories, comment, or do all four!