The End or The Beginning

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   "finally we're getting to the best part here!" Iris squeals bouncing lightly next to me as she tried desperately to contain her excitement. "Oh yeah, and whats the best part?" Niall teases as we of course already know what they are thinking. "When we enter the story!" Violet says in an exasperated tone, not enjoying the tease from her papa. 'Of course my little rosebuds. Now as I was saying it was just your Dad and Poppy home with me when you two made your declaration."

   "Haz was that..." Liam trails off as the three of us stair down at my feet completely at a loose for words. 'Yeah I think that is.' I say answering the open ended question. "We should call the others and get you to the hospital." Zayn states, in shock the three of us just stand there. Waiting for our brains to either comprehend what has happened or for the girls. The girls were first, as five minutes after my water broke did a contraction happen. Groaning the two quickly snap into action, Liam calling Lou and Ni while Zayn grabs my hospital bag. I brace myself on the kitchen counter and wait for the pain to end. Except what I was expecting was for when the pain stopped I'd right myself and we'd all calmly leave for the hospital, instead I just blacked out.

   "What does that mean mama?" Violet asked as her eyes filled with worry. "Well remember when mama said Uncle Steve told us it was time to go to the hospital." Liam said trying to approach and explain with out scaring them. "Yeah, and you all went there." Iris says, the worry in their eyes slowly going away. "Well before Mommy could tell us she just got sooo sleepy he head to take a nap then and there. So we just chuckled at his sleepiness and took him to the hospital." Zayn explains and trying his hardest to explain the terrifying experience without scaring them.

   Pain, searing unbearable pain is all I felt as my eyes shot open. Not even registering what room I'm in or who is surrounding me all I know is pain. Screaming as the pain cinches tighter around my back and stomach I feel something grab my hand as the pain gets tighter and tighter. "Harry! Harry!" some one yells over my screams as the next pain rips through me. "Both mother and babies are in distress we need to go into an emergency c-section now." another voiced yelled before the dark once again consumed me.

'Oh my little rosebuds Mommy was just so tired it's silly. The doctors couldn't even wake me up I was that tired so they just took me into a room. The nice doctors told your fathers to wait outside the room while they helped me. Soon enough we were all whisked away into a comfortable room and then your fathers were finally able to wake me up telling me we had two beautiful girls I just had to meet. Right as they said that I open my eyes and saw the most beautiful babies in the world, my two little rosebuds.'

   "Harry please wake up" a voice rang out from the darkness trying to find it I struggle with the darkness once again loosing the battle with it and falling deeper into it. "Harry, I don't know if you can hear me but its been a week, please wake up." another voice rang out this time I try harder as I battle the darkness only to lose once again. "Harry please, our little girls want to meet their mommy." not waiting another moment I battle the darkness with determination, I need to meet my girls. It felt like forever until the darkness finally vanished and a blinding light took over. 'My babies, where are my babies.' I say into the blinding brightness.

    'And that my little rosebuds is the story of how you were born.'  I say cuddling the two into my sides. "But mama were the start of the story two!" Iris shouts jumping excitedly. "Yeah, we started our story AND we started this story." Violet explains as she gestures to all of us. I smile and kiss the tops of their heads. 'Thats right you girls did, now we have to wait to see what stories await us. Starting with the story of your sibling.' I say resting my hand on top of my bump, smiling at my little family the best thing that ever happened to me.                                                                                

                                                                                       The End

Hello World,

Thank you so much for reading and enjoying this book. I've had a lot of fun writing it and I am terribly sad its come to an end. Would you like it if I wrote a sequel? Let me know in the comments! Feel free to vote, comment, follow me, or check out my other Z.H.C.MP books!

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