Chapter 2-Under the Moonlight

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In the midst of a desolate landscape, where the heavens wept, a malevolent figure hurled him mercilessly into the mire, ensnaring Niloy's anguished cries in the unforgiving clutches of solitude. Desperate pleas for salvation echoed through the desolation, but there was no benevolent ear to heed his torment.

With a vice-like grip, the malefactor seized Niloy's trembling hand, attempting to impose his sinister desires with an unrelenting force. A valiant urge to eject his assailant surged within Niloy, but the chains of his oppressor's might proved unyielding. The tormentor's relentless assault continued unabated, a tempest of malevolence unleashed upon an innocent soul.

Suddenly, a serendipitous providence granted Niloy an unexpected lifeline. His desperate fingers grazed a rugged stone nestled by his side, an instrument of liberation from his cruel fate. With determination etched in his very soul, he wielded the stone, striking his oppressor's cranium with a resounding thud. Left reeling and disoriented, the antagonist clutched his throbbing head and unleashed a primal scream.

In a fleeting moment of opportunity, Niloy summoned the last remnants of his strength and repelled his assailant, fleeing with every ounce of breath left in his aching lungs. Through the darkness, he clawed his way out of the abyss, emerging from the chasm to the world above. His tormentor's enraged voice reverberated in the distance, a venomous oath carried by the unforgiving wind.

Emerging from the depths of his harrowing ordeal, Niloy's gaze alighted upon a silhouette—a lone figure pacing beside the languid waters of the Ping River, amidst the veil of a tempestuous night. His frame exuded strength, his shoulders broad and his stature commanding, standing at a formidable height of six feet.

Clad in a gossamer-thin white shirt, it molded to his sinewy form, revealing the contours of his sculpted back and trim waist. The rain, a relentless companion, rendered the fabric translucent, offering fleeting glimpses of his athletic physique as he moved with effortless grace through the deluge. Each droplet traced the lines of his toned body, a testament to his vitality amidst the storm.

Though shrouded in darkness, a solitary street lamp cast a feeble light upon his visage, illuminating his striking features. His jawline, etched in determination, lent an air of rugged charm to his countenance. His hair, tousled yet elegant, bore the weight of the rain, framing his face in damp tendrils as he wandered the desolate riverside path.

 His hair, tousled yet elegant, bore the weight of the rain, framing his face in damp tendrils as he wandered the desolate riverside path

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Amid the storm's fury, Niloy stood illuminated by flashes of lightning, his features etched with desperation. With chiseled cheekbones and piercing eyes, he cried out for help, his voice carried by the howling wind to a figure nearly a few meters away. Despite the distance, his urgency was unmistakable, fear and determination evident in his body language. As the scoundrel approached, Niloy ran towards the figure, shouting, "Stranger!" repeatedly, his breath growing heavy with each call. Yet, the figure remained unfazed, continuing forward.

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