Niloy ran from his country, Bangladesh, to Thailand to become a BL actor. However, things weren't easy for him. He roamed here and there, working as a waiter. He auditioned for many roles but was rejected. Then, he met a stranger who turned out to b...
As Than and Achara stepped into Nil's room – Kao and Nil, hands entwined, locked in a silent exchange. Achara, ever the playful spirit, couldn't resist a light-hearted remark.
"Hmm...hmm, I think we've stumbled upon an inconvenient moment."
Nil, feeling a tinge of awkwardness, quickly reassured, "No, Achara, you're right on time. I had a slight pain in my hand, so I asked him to lend his support."
Kao, with a chuckle, responded, "Yes, I was simply offering my assistance."
Than, displaying genuine concern, suggested, "If your hand hurts, P.Kao, let me hold it. You must be tired."
A flicker of jealousy crossed Kao's expression as he retorted, "No need, I can manage."
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Achara, breaking into laughter, remarked, "You two are quite something. But honestly, I love seeing you together. By the way, I've brought breakfast, and Than brought flowers and fruits."
Kao, intrigued, asked, "Achara, is it Bangladeshi food?"
Achara, casting a glance at her brother, replied, "Yes, brother. I may not be as knowledgeable as you, but I know a bit about P.Nil, and I know he loves Bangladeshi food. However, no restaurant was open this morning, so I improvised from an online recipe."
Nil, appreciative, said, "That's so thoughtful, Achara. Give it to me; I can't wait."
Achara handed Nil a bowl of Khichdi. After tasting it, Nil couldn't help but make a face. Achara inquired, "How is it, P.Nil?"
Nil grinned and replied, "Umm, it's very tasty. But, Achara, I'm sorry you went through so much trouble because of me."
Achara smiled, responding with genuine warmth, "There's no trouble, and I'm always happy to do anything for you."
Observing Nil's expression, Kao felt a strange emotion and asked, "Nil, let me have a spoon."
However, Nil resisted, stating, "No, no, I will eat it alone." Despite Nil's protest, Kao managed to have a bite, and his reaction mirrored Nil's. Before Kao could speak, Nil held his hand. Achara intervened again, "P.Nil, enjoy your breakfast. Brother, you stay here; I and Than will check with the doctor about P.Nil."
With a simple acknowledgment, Kao watched as Than and Achara left for the doctor. Turning his attention back to Nil, Kao remarked, "It's a bit undercooked and salty. You shouldn't eat it. Why didn't you let me tell Achara?"
Nil explained, "Stranger, she woke up early to make it for me because she knows I love it. How could I hurt her feelings?"
Understanding Nil's sentiment, Kao asked, "What will you eat now? I can't let you eat this."
Nil replied, "I won't eat it. You eat it."
Kao hesitated, "No, I can't."
Nil pleaded, "Please, Stranger, for me. I'm not well."