Chapter 56: In the Heart of Magura Sadar

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As they strolled along the bustling street, the warm chatter of vendors and the friendly nods of passersby created a lively backdrop. Nil reciprocated each greeting with a genuine smile, his own demeanor radiating warmth and familiarity.

Curiosity sparked within Kao, prompting the question, "Do all they know you?"

With a gentle shake of his head, Nil replied, "Not really."

Kao's brow furrowed inquisitively. "Then why the exchange of glances?"

Nil's response was swift, his tone light with a hint of amusement. "It's the nature of small towns. Faces become familiar, encounters routine. It's easy to recognize one another when our paths intersect daily in this quaint square."

Silence fell between them, punctuated only by the rhythmic sounds of their footsteps. But it was Nil who broke it, his voice laced with a touch of self-deprecating humor.

"Let me share a little secret," he confessed with a chuckle. "My memory isn't the sharpest. Truth be told, I don't remember most of them."

Kao's eyes widened in surprise, then softened into understanding. Caught off guard by Nil's candid admission, a shared laughter bubbled between them.

Kao's gaze lingered on Nil, his heart swelling with an unexpected joy at the sight of his love's infectious happiness. Reflecting on the recent past, he marveled at how his feelings had transformed from reluctance to genuine delight.

"A few days ago, I couldn't bear the thought of seeing him," he whispered to himself, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "But now, watching him laugh so freely, all my sadness seems to have dissipated."

Drawing courage from his newfound resolve, Kao turned to Nil and posed a question that had been lingering in his mind. "Do you remember me?"

Nil's laughter faltered, a myriad of emotions flickering across his face in an instant. His response hung in the air, unspoken yet palpable.

"We're almost at the mall!" Kao interjected, attempting to lighten the mood. With a subtle shift, Nil diverted their path towards the entrance of Nur Jahan Plaza, a modest yet bustling hub nestled in the heart of Magura Sadar.

Stepping inside, they were greeted by rows of vibrant shirts and t-shirts adorning the racks. Nil's voice broke the silence, cutting through the tension with a casual invitation. "Take your pick from here!"

Kao's gaze wandered, dissatisfaction etched into the lines of his face as he scanned their surroundings. A silent question lingered in the air.

Sensing the unrest, Nil gently guided him outside, curiosity prickling at the edges of Kao's expression. "What is it?" his voice held a note of confusion.

"I believe I know a better place," Nil replied, his tone carrying a hint of reassurance.

As they resumed their journey, Kao's eyes roved over the bustling street, taking in the array of tempting street food. Nil noticed his lingering gaze and offered, "Would you care to sample some?"

Kao shook his head. "No, I don't..."

However, Nil's attention was caught by a quaint tea-stall nearby. "Come, let's have some tea," he suggested, leading the way.

Though Kao didn't fully grasp the situation, he followed Nil's lead obediently. As they settled on a bench beneath the vast expanse of the open sky, Nil placed an order. "One milk tea and one green tea," he requested.

Kao's brow furrowed as he regarded Nil. Sensing the scrutiny, Nil inquired, "Is something the matter?"

To his surprise, Kao's response came with unexpected clarity. "I'll have the milk tea as well," he declared.

Bangladesh to Thailand: The Journey of Nil and Stranger's Love [BL]Where stories live. Discover now