Chapter 36-God's Tears, Stranger's Plead for Nil's Life

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A mellifluous voice intruded into Kao's solemn reverie, prompting him to raise his gaze. Before him stood the monk, hands gracefully tucked behind his back. Despite the monk's serene smile, Kao's eyes remained clouded with tears.

In a gentle tone, the monk uttered, "I knew you would come here one day."

Kao, a picture of vulnerability, folded his hands and implored with a bowed head, "Plzzz save my Nil."

Assurance laced the monk's smile as he replied, "Nothing will happen to him. You both still have a long way to go."

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Meeting the monk's gaze, Kao, his smile tinged with pain, uttered, "It's you saying

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Meeting the monk's gaze, Kao, his smile tinged with pain, uttered, "It's you saying. Your god has always taken away those I love, but not Nil."

The monk, undeterred, smiled again and offered sagely, "God does what he does for good. Son, look at him."

Directed by the monk's words, Kao turned his attention to the statue of Buddha. A profound sight awaited him—the idol's eyes were wet. The monk elucidated, "You see, you are crying, and tears are falling from his eyes."

Astounded, Kao sought clarification, "Why?"

In a tender tone, the monk explained, "He is not human; he is God. We can easily get angry and part ways, but he cannot. He smiles when we laugh, he cries when we cry."

With a gesture, the monk presented a pink lotus flower in his hand. Extending the flower toward Kao, he gently urged, "Take it."

Without hesitation, Kao accepted the flower. The monk continued, "Place this pink lotus near Nil's pillow, wherever he is."

Embracing the divine offering, Kao embarked on a sacred mission, carrying a symbol of hope and faith to Nil.

Despite Kao's inherent disbelief in such matters, circumstances left him with no choice but to reconsider. After a prolonged gaze at the monk, Kao emerged from the temple, leaving the monk to watch his departure with an enigmatic demeanor.

Outside, his driver awaited him. Swiftly settling into the car, Kao directed his driver to hasten to the hospital. An urgency propelled him to abandon the car midway, taking the wheel himself to expedite his journey.

In the solitude of the car, Kao whispered to himself, Looking at Lotus flower, "I won't let you go easily, Nil. You told me to keep trust in your trust. I kept it, now it's your turn.''

Meanwhile, within the confines of the operating theater, a dedicated medical team worked tirelessly to save Nil. In the midst of the critical procedure, Nil, against the odds, began murmuring Kao's name. Puzzled, Dr. Atid inquired, "Who's Stranger?"

Upon repeating Kao's name, Nil's heart exhibited a response. Dr. Atid, noting the unusual connection, instructed a nurse, "Nurse, go and ask who's Stranger. And ask him to come inside."

Outside, the nurse, calling out for Stranger, drew the attention of everyone, including Achara

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Outside, the nurse, calling out for Stranger, drew the attention of everyone, including Achara. When asked about Stranger's identity, Mary, with a tinge of reluctance, revealed, "Kao Neptune, he's Stranger."

The nurse, visibly surprised, clarified, "You mean, The Kao Neptune."

Affirmative nods confirmed Mary's statement. The nurse, understanding the significance, requested, "Okay fine, it would be very helpful if he would be here because only his name is eliciting a response from Nil's heart."

Kim, expressing the reality, responded to the nurse, "We understand, but he's not here."

Without further dialogue, the nurse returned to the operation theater, leaving the anxious group outside. The relentless efforts to extract the bullet from Nil's back continued, accompanied by a prevailing sense of uncertainty and apprehension.

Concern etched across her face, Mary questioned Achara with a touch of worry, "Achara, don't you know where your brother is? How can he be so irresponsible?"

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Concern etched across her face, Mary questioned Achara with a touch of worry, "Achara, don't you know where your brother is? How can he be so irresponsible?"

Achara, her response edged with a hint of sharpness, retorted, "Mary, mind your words." Sensing the tension, Techno and Than swiftly intervened, defusing the building confrontation.

Maintaining a calm demeanor, Achara explained, "I told the driver to follow my brother, and he informed me that he's in the temple."

However, Than, puzzled, expressed doubt, "How's that possible? The Kao Neptune in the temple? Achara, you must have misheard something. As per what I know from P.Kao's bio, it seems unlikely."

Achara, mirroring her confusion, admitted, "Even I can't believe that my brother is really in the temple."

Techno, offering a pragmatic perspective, interjected, "Maybe it's a bit confusing, but the crucial thing now is to determine Kao's precise location. Achara, call the driver and inquire."

The call to the driver was placed on loudspeaker, and Achara questioned, "Chan, is Brother Kao with you?"

The driver's response reverberated, "Achara mam, Kao sir was with me."

Intrigue and concern painted the faces of those gathered. Mary, seeking clarity, pressed, "What do you mean by 'was'? Where is he now?"

The driver elucidated, "Actually, mam, he asked me to stop in the middle of the road."

Than, seeking further details, queried, "Okay, can you tell us where he went?"

The driver admitted, "I probably don't know, but..."

Achara, not letting the driver off the hook, pressed, "But what?"

The driver finally revealed, "Kao sir drove to the hospital."

To be continued...

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