Kao was in his office studio room, a singer was singing a song and Kao was instructing him. He ordered the guitarist, ''Make it smoother, I don't need high pitch...''
''Pharm (Singer) first make a few warm-ups, I need your crisp voice...'' He kept staring at his watch and frowned. Time was slipping like the wind, he spoke to himself while deeply sighing with frustration, " I promised Nil to meet him, I have to wrap up soon, it is already 5:45 pm. Only 30 minutes left.''
On the other hand, Nil was doing a photo shoot for the luxury brand 'Chanel'. His condition was the same. There were big lights all around, Nil posing in front of cameras. And make-up girls fixing his face after each photograph. The atmosphere was very busy. While Nil's condition was the same he was looking around, and making his face as if he wanted to run from there. Meanwhile, as Nil's eyes fall on the clock, his expression turns worried, ''O god, I have a date today. It's already 5:50 pm.''
But the Photographer was constantly asking Nil to pose, and Nil with a frustrating false smile kept posing. After a while, the shoot was over. It was only 15 minutes left to reach the 'Sun Kissed cafe'. Nil hurriedly ran to his green room, removed his makeup, changed clothes, and ran to his car where the driver was already standing for him.
Meanwhile, Kao also changed his clothes and went to his car, sitting inside the car Kao fixed his hair and drove toward 'Sun Kissed Cafe' and spoke to himself, ''If Nil arrived first he will taunt me for the entire month...''
Nil was also looking at his watch and spoke to himself, ''What if Stranger reached there before me! He will taunt me for the week.''
After 20 minutes of driving they both reached 'Sun Kissed Cafe' and ran toward their reserved place. After a while they both came together, breathless. Nil asked, ''Have you just come now?''
Kao asked in reply, ''I was talking to the manager. Have you come now?''
A false smile sticking on his lips, ''I was beside the pool looking for you...''
Finally, they took their seats. The reserved place was so quiet, and no one was seen. White curtains danced with the sooting wind and were decorated with white and pink orchid flowers. Kao drank one glass of water in one breath, and Nil did, too. Kao asked, ''So, how was your day?''
Nil remorsly replied, ''I am tired; they are just asking to pose and pose and pose. For a few hours I thought I was a plastic doll.''
Kao, ''But you always wanted to be Chanel's spoken person.''
Nil, ''But now it's suffocating, I can't wear anything I like. I have to wear what they send me. I am just feeling like a walking doll.''
Kao, ''Don't worry you better used to it.''
Nil holding Kao's hand and tightening the lips, ''How was your day..?''
Kao, ''Fine...'' asked again, ''Do you want to share something?''
Nil nodded in affirmation, ''Mongkut Thongdee approach me for his next photoshoot.''
Meanwhile, Kao's expression changed, ''Nil I don't think you should do that...!''
Nil's smile disappears with concern, ''Why?''
Kao, ''His life just filled with chaos. He does 'casting couch'. There are already few molestation charges on him.''
Nil with hopeful glaring, ''Stranger, it's a great opportunity...''
Kao, ''I understand what you want but...''
Nil, ''And Stranger, he only did this to girls; I don't think he would do anything wrong with me.''
Kao, ''If you want to do just do. But promise me, if he offers you something you must refuse.''
Nil, ''I promised.''
Kao was about to speak but Nil put fingers in his mouth, ''Stranger let's drop this conversation. Let's talk about us.''
Abruptly a waiter came to them, Kao ordered and Nil was only staring at him and smiling.
After a while food came, and they fed each other with their hand. Suddenly beautiful soothing music fell in Nil's ears as he looked behind, an entire band was playing music. A big smile played on Nil's face and thanked Kao, ''Thank you...''
Kao asked, ''Why?''
Nil replied, ''For making me special!''
added, ''To make my day special!
And shouted, ''For making my entire life special...''
Shouted again with happiness, ''Kao Netpute, I love you...''
Then Nil got up from his seat pulled Kao and tightly hugged him, Kao kissed Nil's head.
At night Nil was in Kao's arms in bed, and they were talking meanwhile, Nil's phone alarmed, as he noticed and found Mongkut Thongdee sent him the address for the contract and sighed, ''Mandarin oriental, at 5:30 pm.'' Kao asked, ''Nil, who messaged you at night?''
But Nil didn't want to make Kao worried and replied, ''Noting important...''
The next day, Achara, Nil, and Kao were having breakfast together, suddenly Kao asked, ''Achara, where is yours Than? I didn't notice him for days.''
Achara smiled, ''Brother, he's just busy in his new project...''
Kao nodded in understanding, ''And you should be more attentive to your studies, your Mam called me and told me that you're you are skipping classes...''
Achara didn't know what to say but now she didn't want to hide anything from his brother and replied, ''Brother, I went to see mom...''
And everything got silent, after a while to lighten the atmosphere she added, ''Brother, Miss, Pha has a crush on you so she kept trying to find ways to talk to you.''
Nil stared at Kao and asked, ''Stranger, Is this true?''
Kao strangely looked at Nil, ''What are you thinking, Nil? If she has a crush on me what can I do? I only talk to her for Achara...''
Nil's jealousy peaked up, ''From now I will talk to her...''
Kao couldn't bear all this anymore and went to the office, and Achara burst into laughter.

Bangladesh to Thailand: The Journey of Nil and Stranger's Love [BL]
FantasyNiloy ran from his country, Bangladesh, to Thailand to become a BL actor. However, things weren't easy for him. He roamed here and there, working as a waiter. He auditioned for many roles but was rejected. Then, he met a stranger who turned out to b...