Chapter 8- Stranger's Dilemma

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On this particular night as Nil returned to his room, Mary, ever inquisitive, resumed her persistent questioning.

Mary's voice filled the room as she began, "I told you, he likes you... in my entire life, I've never heard his voice. I mean, I've heard his singing voice in songs, but never his natural voice. And you know what's even more surprising? We've never seen him smile."

Nil, tired and yearning for rest, attempted to dispel Mary's curiosity. "It's just your imagination," he replied wearily. "Now, please, let's sleep. I have an early start tomorrow."

Techno, offering a brief interjection, simply stated, "Nice one."

With that, they allowed the night to envelop them in its embrace, seeking solace in the realm of dreams.

As the sun began to cast its gentle glow upon a new day, Nil found himself summoned by the early hours. His responsibilities beckoned, and he needed to begin his work. Before the clock struck at 10:00 am, he had to be ready. In the quiet of the morning, Kao reappeared at the café, seeking sustenance for the day. Nil, ever the gracious host, served him with a practiced ease.

When Kao's meal neared its end and the prospect of parting loomed, he extended an unexpected invitation to Nil, suggesting breakfast together. Yet, Nil's duties called, and he reluctantly declined, pleading his busy schedule.

Kao, his gaze a puzzle of emotions, started to rise from his seat, a strange sense of disappointment clouding his features. Nil, noticing the unspoken tension, couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"

Kao's response was enigmatic, a mere, "Nothing."

In response, Nil quipped, "Stranger, you're quite the stubborn one."

Kao, with a subtle smile playing on his lips, retorted, "Might be..."

With a playful tone, Nil suddenly remembered something, saying, "Oops, I forgot to tell you. From today, you can call me Nil."

Kao, his curiosity piqued, inquired, "Why? What's happened to your name?"

"It's a long story," Nil replied, "One day at a time, I'll share it with you."

Seated at the same table, their shared breakfast began, and Nil, with an inexplicable eagerness, dug into his meal.

Seated at the same table, their shared breakfast began, and Nil, with an inexplicable eagerness, dug into his meal

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The café was filled with an air of shared moments and the unspoken connection between Kao and Nil. As their conversation continued, Kao's voice carried a note of concern as he uttered, "Be careful, Nil."

Nil, his gaze locked into Kao's eyes, was momentarily taken aback but couldn't conceal his pleased smile as he asked, "What did you call me?"

Kao, echoing the sentiment with a softness in his gaze, repeated, "Nil."

With a pleased smile, Nil responded, "In just a few hours, so many have called me Nil. But for some reason, when you call me Nil, it feels like I've finally found my name."

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