Chapter Sixteen

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Hey babes, 

I know that it has been 5ever but I've been really busy with school starting and whatnot. 

Anyways, this next chapter is super cute and all the boys finally come in!

Enjoy :)


"Uh, so Kat, what do you wanna do?" Niall asks, still smirking at my awkwardness.

I give him a playful look which he seems to be amused with. "Shouldn't we wait for Liam?"

At that moment the doorbell rings again and Zayn opens it to see a boy with brown hair and a cute smile. I'm guessing this is Liam.

"Hey guys", he says, nodding at them all and giving Zayn what I call a bro hug. 

"Where ya been?" Niall asks from his seat on the couch. "Parking. We were late cause Lou's car broke down".

Everyone nods understandingly and I figure I should introduce myself. "Hi Liam", I wave.

"Oh hey! It's great to finally meet you, Kat. The lads don't stop talking about you". 

Again I blush and try to wave my awkwardness of with a laugh but I know that isn't working because Niall's still smirking. 

I roll my eyes at him and continue, "So, what's the plan for today?"

"I'm hungry", Niall says from the couch. In an attempt to pull his leg, I say, "Hi Hungry, I'm Kat".

Everyone laughs and this time, I'm the one smirking at the small blonde cutie. "Funny", he says, rolling his eyes.

I roll mine back and grin, shoving his arm. It's great that I can get joke with them even though I've only just met them. It's reassuring that they also seem to like me.

"Should we make pancakes?" I ask, suddenly realising I'm also hungry.

Niall cheers and jumps up from the couch, giving me a huge hug again. Zayn chuckles and says he'll give me a hand.

We both leave to his kitchen where he takes out all the ingredients and equipment needed. I ask him to leave and after much resistance he says he will. But only if I promise not to come outside until he says. "

"Why?" I ask curiously. He sighs jokingly and says, "I'm setting something up. It's a surprise". 

"Okay, okay", I giggle, steering him out of the kitchen. 

 I go into my favourite song playlist and hum along as I look around the kitchen for the main ingredients. I know a basic recipe but I know I'll have to multiply that by like, five to have enough for all of us...

I'm pouring the butter into the mixture when Wake Me Up by Avicii stops suddenly and my phone starts vibrating.    \

I wipe my hands off on a red and white checked dish towel and reach to it, and notice that Harry's calling.   

"Hey Curly", I say, smiling at how natural it feels to call him that. "Hey Kat", he replies and I can tell he's also smiling.

"What's up?"

"Oh nothing much, the crowd still hasn't cleared upon so I'm gonna be stuck for at least another couple of hours. You?"

I feel sort of sorry for him then, because it’s a little unfair that he's in this situation and can't do anything about it except wait for the crowd to dispense.

But he knew about the consequences when he signed up for this so I push those thoughts out of my head and say, "I'm making pancakes for us. I wish you were here". 

He chuckles and continues. "Yeah, me too". 

A couple moments of silence pass before anything else is said. "Do you wanna hang out tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow?" I ask. I'm not sure I should, since I've just made up with Jess and doing this with Harry would completely disregard out agreement: hanging out together.

"Yeah, tomorrow. At my place? I could show you what an excellent chef I am". 

I giggle and tease him, "oh, are you now". 

"The best".

"I doubt you’re better than me". 

"Don't count on it". 

"I'll let you know tonight? Is that okay? I just wanna make sure that its fine with Jess and stuff".

I hope he understands the situation between us. Jess and I have only just begun being normal with each other and I know that Jess and I should be site-seeing and all. Luckily he says, "yeah, no worries".



Wasn't that cute? I thought it was adorable :)

I know it was kind of cut off but it was getting long.

So, if you want the next bit, please dm me or like the story :) 

Other than that, In hope you guys have a great day, afternoon or night, wherever you are x

K x

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