Chapter One

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Hey guys, this is my very first fanfiction here on Wattpad.. I'm working on this with one og my friends on here, harry_styleslove15, so you guys should definitely go follow her..

Here is Chapter One...

Enjoy :)

K x


Jessie's POV

I sat there listening to my best friend Kat, go on about how much fun London is going to be. Don't get me wrong, I'm really excited too, but I'm just not as OTT as her.

Once she's calmed down just a bit, I look over at her and ask "Hey, are you hungry?"

She thinks about it for a second -which is totally unlike her, since she is usually the one to jump at the opportunity, she loves food. And when I say love, I mean love, with a capital L O V E. She's the kinda girl that would eat food even if you offered or to her at 3 in the morning - but nods soon enough.

I laugh and say "Ok, I'll go look for something".

I walk around for a couple of minutes before finding a small nice-smelling cafe. I grabbed two sandwiches and a couple of bottles of our favorite drinks. Dr Pepper for me, and Lipton Iced Tea for her.

I was about to pay when I heard some loud screams and quickly looked around to see what was going on. I turned around just in time to see a huge herd of teenage girls run past me.

Muttering to myself about the noise, I pay and make my way back to Kat, who once agin is totally engrossed in her phone.

I whisper boo and smirk as I make her jump with fright. She elbows me and gives me the evils but smiles quickly unable to keep a straight face. Actually, Kat and I barely ever fight, and when we do, it's over insignificant things. Like, who gets to eat the last doughnut or which noodle flavor is best.

I sit down next to her and hand over her drink and sandwich quickly, so I can start eating aswell. Smiling gratefully at me, she takes a huge sip and then digs into her sandwich.

Once she's done chewing one bite, she says "What was all that screaming about?"

I think back to all the teenage girls and sneer "I don't know. Probably some stupid celebrity".

Yes I know, I may sound like a complete ass, but Kats used to it and just nods. To be honest, I have nothing against celebrities. It's just when they think they rule the work because they have a couple million followers in Twitter.

Like that boyband for example. I bet now that everyone knows them, they're super snobby.

We finish our food just in time, and the announcement for us to start boarding or plane come on. Grabbing our tickets and our hand luggage, we make our way through the terminals to the plane.

We're let on quite a while later, because we were in Economy, since we had to pay for for the airfare there ourselves.

We found our seats, with the two other seats empty, and I quickly threw my purse into the seat next to the window, saying, "Shottgun on the window seat!"

Kat groans and mutters fine but says "I get it on the way back".

I make a face but settle down quickly. I look through the magazines and check out some of the latest movies for a couple of minutes but am distracted by a deep voice clearing their throat.


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Please give me some feedback, as I would love some ideas as to which direction to take this in. I'm not sure whether to turn it into a One Direction fanfic or just leave it be...

So comment, follow, and Vote!

Later girlies ;) x

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