Chapter Eleven

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Hey guys, it's been a while :) how have you been?

I'm in a moody mood right now.

All I can say is that I hate two-faced bitches.

Anyways, that rant aside, here is Chapter Eleven!

Enjoy :)


Over the next couple of weeks, I see Zayn and Harry nearly every day, whether it's for lunch, a movie or just grabbing coffee and talking. Jess has been avoiding our company the whole time and thought at first I thought it was better to leave her be, I think I might have to pressurise her a little bit into telling me what's wrong.

Right now, I'm out having coffee with them but decide that as soon as I get time, I'm going to ask her what's wrong, and hopefully, she would have had enough time to think about it and is ready to tell me.

"Well, thanks for the coffee guys", I say, giving them both a hug as we all stand outside the entrance. "Thanks for joining us again", Harry says, smiling down at me. I legitimately don't understand how he's that tall. He's only 18 and he's like 5"10.

"So listen, you know how we were going to go to the market tomorrow, I was thinking, instead of that, do you maybe want to meet the rest of the lads?" Zayn asks, cocking an eyebrow.

I've thought about it a couple of times for the past couple of days, because they have been talking about them quite a lot. I'm looking forward to it, because from what I've heard, they seem like fun guys but I don't know what they'll think of me.

I decide that it will be fun to go along with them and say yes, before saying bye to them again and parting ways, making my way back to the new motel, where I've decided to somehow persuade Jess into coming with me.

I get back and I find that room empty, and a note on the table. I walk to it and read that in Jess' handwriting, it says;

- Hey Kat,

If you're here and I'm not it means that I didn't have time to wait for you. I'm just out for lunch with this guy I met. I'll be back by around four, I think.

Love, Jess

I look up at the clock on the wall and see that it's a quarter to four, and so I give my Mum a quick call, waiting for Jess to get home. I can tell Mums a little angry because we haven't been doing any site seeing but I tell her that we have another month and a half and we're definitely planning stuff then.

We should actually start site-seeing though, I think.


I've been sitting on the couch waiting for her for more than an hour now. What's taking her so long? I think back to our conversations, trying to remember if she's even mentioned some guy before, but I come to the conclusion that we haven't really been talking properly for days.

I hear footsteps outside the door and some quiet voices and walk towards it. When I open the door, Jess is standing there kissing some guy. "Uh Jess", I say quietly, not exactly sure If I should interrupt them.

She pulls away quickly and stutters, "Oh hey- hey Kat. What's up?" If she thinks this act is going to make me forget what just happened she better think again.

I glare at her and her mystery companion before he clears his throat, shuffles his hair and says. "Well, this has been awkward enough. I'll call you later, babe".

He winks at her and then walks away and she stands there looking a little in daze.

"Who the heck was that?!" I exclaim after pulling her into the room. She rolls her eyes at me. "I told you. I met him a couple days ago and decided to meet up with him", she says, like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"What the heck. You met him a couple of days ago and you're spending that much time with him. And that too, our time", I exclaim, throwing my hands up in the air.

"I can't believe you Kat, you're such a hypocrite! You're the one who's been hanging out with Zayn and Harry every day, and we met them on a plane, like two weeks ago!" she shouts, walking away.

"What the heck! How is it my fault that you don't want to hang out with us?! We ask you all the time and you always say you're busy, or want to go somewhere alone.

I can't believe her. She thinks I'm the one being unfair. It's not my fault she doesn't want to hang out with me when I do.

She lets out a loud grunt and runs her fingers through her hair. "Well maybe I don't want to hang out with them. Maybe I don't like hanging out with them!" I'm so confused, because when we last hung out with them together, she loved them.

"That's not what you said when we met them. You were practically falling for Harry on the plane. And then you were all cute during dinner. Then what the heck are you talking about?! I thought you liked Harry?"

It's like the anger in her completely fades away. She opens her mouth to talk but instead she slumps and shrugs, turning away. I hear her walk into the bedroom and decide to leave it for the night. She's seemed so distant lately, and I know she's hiding something from me but I can't force it out of her. She'll tell me when she feels ready, but I really hope that's soon.

I lounge around for a while, not really wanting to do anything. I call my parents again, just saying a quick hi before peeking into the bedroom to ask Jess if she wants to grab dinner. I see her figure curled up in bed and decide to go out myself.

Eating alone, I don't really mind, but today, thoughts are clouding my mind. Thoughts of Jess and our holiday. Maybe she is right. Maybe I shouldn't be spending as much time with them. Maybe I have sort of neglected her in the past couple of weeks.

Finishing my dinner, I make my way back to the motel and decide that from now on, Jess and I are going to hang out every day and try to make the most of what's left of our vacation.

She's still sleeping when I get back inside and I decide to do the same. A good night's sleep can sometimes help with figuring everything out.


I wake up and see that Jess is lying next to me, staring up at the ceiling. “I’m sorry”. She turns to me with an apologetic look on her face and I believe her. We both sit up and face each other, giving each other small smiles.

“Yeah, I know, I’ve been a douche. I’m sorry”. I know it’s not all her fault and say, “No, I wasn’t being very thoughtful either. It’s our vacation and we should be spending time together”.

She nods and says, “Well, yeah, but I have to say, I’m sorry about the whole Harry and Zayn thing. You have the right to hang out with anyone that you want”.

When I motion for her to continue she says, “I don’t know, Kat, I just – I can’t –“. She sighs and looks at her hands, and I know that she’s having trouble saying what she wants to say. “It’s fine Jess, let’s just forget about it, yeah”.

She nods and we hug, I’m glad that we’ve sort of resolved the issue. We sit around catching up for a couple of hours and I think we’ll be fine for the rest of our vacation.



I think so anyway :)

Please please please vote and comment, because it will honestly make me so happy!

K x

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