Chapter Fourteen

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We quickly go back to our small hotel room after I meet her again - I'm still smiling on way up the stairs.

At four, Jess' 'date' is here and she's off, telling me she'll be back late. I checked online a little while ago and Zayns apartment is only 10 minutes away by cab so at a qauarter past, after calling Mum and filling her in on my day before she hangs up, no doubt busy, I make my way downstairs and hail a cab.

The butterflies, that have been fluttering in my stomach since morning, seem to multiply and I don't think there is any point in denying it, I'm really looking forward to seeing him.

Ten minutes later, I reach his apartment block, which seems huge, and checking my phone for the mumber, I knock on his door nervously.

The door swings open second later and I'm greeted with a huge smile from Zayn. "Hi Kat". I smile widley back at him and say hey too. "Come on in", he says, gesturing for me to step inside. I'm immediately shocked at the size. From the outside, yes, the apartment building is huge, but I seriously thought it wouldn't be this large.

It's quite spacious and very neat, which was also something I did not expect. The walls are covered in graphic art canvases and there s a fluffy red rug beneath my feet. The coffee table has a stack of books on it, but before I have a chance to read any titles, Zayn asks, "Do you want something to drink?" I nod and ask for some coke.

While he's gone, I look around somemore and see whole bookshelves of books and cds. Picking one up, I turn it around to see that it's The Script and smile. I look through the list of songs and see some of my favourite songs of all time.

"You like them?" I hear him ask behind be, passing me a cold glass of coke. I nod, "They were my first concert ever. I love them". I think back to the night and remebr the crowd, fists in the air, singing at the top of their lungs.

"No way! They were my first too! Who else have you been to?" he asks excitedly. And with that, a long conversation starts about music. We refer new music to eachotheer and laugh enthusiastically when we find that we have a similar music taste.

I'm torn out of the music world when the doorbell rings. Both our heads turn quickly to the door and questions from in my haed but are answerd when Zayn says, "That'll be them".

He gets up and I follow him, pulling at the edge of my top nervously. "Hey, don't worry, you're great", Zayn reassures me. I smile thankfully and wait, hoping they'll like me.


Hey girlies

How was it? Did you like it? My fave part is coming soon. It's gonna be very cute.

Just done with practice exams. Can't wait for summer.

K x

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